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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Czech grammar schools visit the professorship

A visit makes the decision to study easier: 30 pupils from Ústí nad Labem and Liberec visited Chemnitz University of Technology on 28 and 29 November 2019. They also visited the WOT professorship and completed an internship.

The event is part of the German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools (BIDS) support initiative, which is supervised by the International University Centre (IUZ) on the TU Chemnitz side. The programme includes practical insights into the study of mechanical engineering. Among other things, the pupils visited the laboratories of the WOT professorship where they deal with the hardening of steel. After a theoretical introduction to the topic, the guests were then able to take different hardness measurements themselves and see what visible influence quench hardening has on the material. „I particularly liked the practical parts“, said Matěj Novotný from the Dr Vaclava Smejkala Grammar School Ústí nad Labem, summarising his impressions. „The virtual reality lab was a lot of fun, of course, but the hardness practical was more educational and it was impressive to see the kind of labs they work in. I found both very interesting“. A city tour of Chemnitz with a doorman and night watchman as well as dinner together rounded off the visit to Chemnitz and the TU. Perhaps there will be a reunion in Chemnitz, then as a student.

The press release is a summary of the central press release of the TU Chemnitz on the workshop. This can be found at:


Background: Support Initiative German Schools Abroad and Partner Schools (BIDS):

Since 2008, the IUZ of the TU Chemnitz has coordinated the BIDS project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The focus of the BIDS events is the annual implementation of a „taster week“ at the TU Chemnitz for pupils from the Czech Republic and Poland. Other activities include the organisation of taster days in Chemnitz and the awarding of motivational scholarships for graduates of selected schools in the Czech Republic and Poland. The activities are funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA).


Pupils from Ústí nad Labem and Liberec visited the TU Chemnitz on 28 and 29 November 2019. Photo: IUZ

16.12.2019 – Teaching at the professorship ( )