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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Visiting scientist strengthens WOT team

Since the beginning of April, we have been pleased to welcome a guest scientist. Ms Mehri Hashemzadeh is doing her doctorate at the Technical University of Isfahan on the influence of titanium-based electrolyte additives in the plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of aluminium and is spending six months as a guest researcher at our professorship with a scholarship from her home country Iran.

PEO is a wet-chemical surface treatment process in which metallic materials undergo a strong polarisation within an aqueous electrolyte, which enables the initiation of plasma electrolytic spark discharges. Starting from the electrolyte, these strike the substrate surface and create a ceramic protective layer there. Such PEO coatings are extremely wear-resistant and offer excellent corrosion protection. However, the process has a negative effect on the fatigue strength of the treated components.

Therefore, Ms Hashemzadeh will be working on methods of electrolyte development and materials analytics as part of preliminary work for a DFG project on fatigue-resistant PEO coatings. We enjoy the cultural exchange and look forward to innovative results.

Image: Prof. Lampke welcomes Ms Hashemzadeh as a guest researcher after her arrival in Chemnitz

28.5.2021 – Personnel of the professorship ( )