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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Contribution of the WOT to the networking of the international scientific community

Call to all partners in the field of thermal spraying: As Guest Editors, Dr. Rico Drehmann and Dr. Thomas Grund invite you to submit original papers or reviews for a special MDPI issue „Advances in Metal-Based Thermal Spray Coatings“.

The special issue will contain selected publications on the latest developments in the field of thermally sprayed metal coatings. It will equally address spraying processes, starting materials and coating applications. As the special issue aims to be of high practical value to the readers, priority will be given to papers with technologically motivated research and development that clearly describe and evaluate the problems addressed and their solutions.

Contributions can still be submitted until 31 March 2022. All necessary information can be found on the special edition website at


3.10.2021 – Projects of the professorship ( )