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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

External doctoral candidate received award for her research topic

Jessica Wittmann, M.Sc. – who conducts research at Hof University of Applied Sciences and is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology as part of an Cooperative doctoral procedure received the special research award of the Fördergesellschaft 2021 of Hof University of Applied Sciences. This recognition of her achievements is commendable and underlines the relevance of the doctoral project. Congratulations!

Currently, Professor Thomas Lampke, Head of the WOT Chair at TU Chemnitz, is supervising 26 doctoral students. 10 doctoral students are „externals“ who are gaining further scientific qualifications either from industry or by means of so-called cooperative doctoral procedures. Cooperative doctoral programmes allow academics from a university of applied sciences (HAW) to complete a doctoral programme under the co-supervision of a university professor at his or her faculty. Thanks to the common interest of the participants and regular dialogue, e.g. in the WOT Doctoral Seminar this approach is very successful.

Ms Wittmann received the prize as a research assistant at the Institute of Materials Science at Hof University of Applied Sciences for her research project „KH Bett“. In the research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy until the end of the year, the project team is developing an antibacterial coating solution for hospital and care beds. The basic idea is to implement the active ingredient chitosan in a coating. The natural raw material chitosan is extracted from shellfish and seafood and can have antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antifugal properties. Thus, chitosan has great potential to be used as a natural raw material against microorganisms.

The Special Research Award of the Hof University of Applied Sciences' Sponsoring Association was announced for the first time in 2021. The special prize, endowed with 10,000 euros, honours a research team at the university that implemented its research goals particularly well in the previous year. In particular, work with social relevance and direct benefit for companies or start-ups, especially in the Upper Franconia region, is honoured. The jury consists of representatives from business, science and politics, such as representatives from the IT Cluster Upper Franconia, the Environmental Technology Cluster Bavaria e.V., REHAU AG, Chemie-Cluster Bayern GmbH and the City of Hof.

Further information on the research content of the award-winning project and on the Special Research Award of Hof University of Applied Sciences can be found at https://campuls.hof-university.de/wissenschaft-forschung/viren-und-bakterienfreie-oberflaechen-ein-interview-mit-jessica-wittmann-zum-forschungsprojekt-kh-bett/ or under https://campuls.hof-university.de/aktuelles/auszeichnung-fuer-digitalisierung-und-forschung-in-der-hochschullehre/ .


Jessica Wittmann during the examination of chitosan samples [source: Hof University of Applied Sciences].

2.8.2022 – Personnel of the professorship ( )