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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Great interest in Materials Day 2023

On 27.06.2023, the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW) organised the „Materials Day“ after a break of several years. The students of the materials-specific courses of study were given an understanding of the diversity of the topic in a playful way through numerous interactive activities and demonstrations.

The highlights included friction stir welding chocolate, electroplating coins with copper layers by themselves and recording temperature curves with the thermal imaging camera. In addition to these experiments and demonstrations, the participants could test their strength in „Hau den Lukas“ and in the „tensile test“ against the light metal aluminium.

Over grilled sausages, grilled cheese and drinks, the students got to talk to the professors and their teams. Many questions about studying and career prospects as well as working as a student assistant were answered. The positive response of over 120 participants shows the great interest of the students in the topics related to materials and their application. A continuation of the event in the coming years is planned.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who helped organise and implement the Materials Day. We also thank the many students for their interest.

Picture: Impressions of the IWW Materials Day 2023 (Photos: private)

20.7.2023 – Events of the professorship ( )