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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

WOT presents itself at the 12th HVOF Colloquium in Erding

With 21 invited lectures, 21 exhibitors in the industrial showcase and over 220 participants, the 12th HVOF Colloquium 2023 on 26/27 October 2023 successfully continued the series of HVOF colloquia after a break due to the pandemic. The colloquium is the largest national event organised by Gemeinschaft Thermisches Spritzen e.V. (GTS) and a magnet for experts from science and industry, as well as other interested parties looking for solutions to surface treatment and coating issues.

The range of topics at the HVOF colloquium extends from the basics to applications on components. The speakers will cover the classic topics of coating and technology optimisation, but will also report on new developments in terms of system control, other or combined coating and manufacturing processes, new materials and the use of AI in thermal spraying.

This year, the WOT professorship once again gave an invited lecture. Professor Lampke shed light on the topic of „wear protection through thermally applied solidifiable Fe-based materials“. The latest results were summarised here, which originate from joint research by the WOT with experts from various European research institutes, such as VZU Plzeň s.r.o. in Pilsen/CZ, the University West in Trollhättan/SE or the Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz.

The subsequent technical discussions demonstrated the lively interest in this materials science topic. Iron-based materials undoubtedly play a decisive role in the search for alternatives to today's dominant standard wear-resistant materials, for which replacements are needed in the medium to long term due to high prices, insufficient availability and/or health aspects. The WOT professorship is making an important contribution to this with various research projects and in co-operation with other research institutions.


Fig. 1: Prof Thomas Lampke presents the topic „Wear protection through thermally applied solidifiable Fe-based materials“ at the HVOF Colloquium 2023 in Erding, which was attended by over 220 participants.

8.1.2024 – Events of the professorship ( )