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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

WOT employee receives Saxon university didactics certificate

Dr Rico Drehmann, senior engineer at the Chair of Materials and Surface Technology, has been awarded the Saxon University Didactics Certificate. The aim of the certificate programme is to expand the individual teaching skills of lecturers and thus continuously improve academic teaching at Saxon universities.

To obtain the certificate, 3 modules totalling 240 work units (1 unit = 45 min) must be completed. In various formats such as workshops, practical units or peer counselling and observation, participants learn about the didactic basics and many different teaching/learning methods and are encouraged to integrate these into their own teaching and exchange ideas with colleagues. Finally, in the third module, participants work on a self-designed teaching/learning project during the semester under the supervision of a mentor; the most important results and findings are recorded in writing in a portfolio.

The development of student evaluations in recent years shows that the measures implemented in the WOT professorship as a result of Dr Drehmann's participation in the certificate programme have been very positively received by students. These include the increased use of anonymous voting systems in lectures and seminars, the redesign of interactive seminars and the provision of digital self-tests on the OPAL learning platform.

Further information on the certificate programme can be found on the website of the University Didactics Centre Saxony .


Picture: Dr Rico Drehmann (photo montage: private)

24.10.2023 – Personnel of the professorship ( )