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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Co-organisation of the ZVO Surface Days 2023 in Berlin

From 13.09.2023-15.09.2023, seven scientists from the WOT professorship took part in the ZVO Surface Days to present their current research results to an interested specialist audience from industry and science.

After the opening event with award ceremony and lecture by boxing pioneer and former boxing world champion Regina Halmich, the compact, five-part lecture programme started with over ninety lectures. In addition to recurring lecture series, such as „Young colleagues report from research“, „Wear protection & Tribology“, „Functional coatings“ and „Complementary technologies“, the programme included Industry 4.0 and digital networking, surface processes for sustainable, climate-neutral and energy-saving coatings, the challenge of industrial component cleanliness and cost- and resource-efficient wastewater treatment were among the main topics of the congress. In addition to the extensive lecture programme, the scientists were able to make contact with 71 exhibitors from the industry and maintain existing networks at the accompanying trade fair.

In his presentation, Dr Roy Morgenstern posed the question: Passivation or precipitation – how is the surface layer formed at the beginning of the plasma electrolytic oxidation of steels in alkaline, aluminium-containing electrolytes? Ms Claudia Albero Rojas and Mr Frank Simchen also reported on plasma electrolytic oxidation, focusing on the formation of crack-resistant ZTA composite ceramic layers on aluminium substrates and the identification of parasitic electrochemical sub-processes occurring in magnesium. Mr Stephan Schwöbel presented developments in the mathematical modelling and simulation of galvanic depositions using the example of pulsed current deposition.

As session chair, Prof Thomas Lampke moderated the lecture series „Wear Protection & Tribology“. Mr Dominik Höhlich spoke about electrodeposited Fe-Cr-Ni coatings – with a focus on the influence of the electrolyte and the process parameters on alloy composition and residual stresses. Mr Lars Lehmann presented the interactive wear model developed at the Chair for predicting the appropriate heat treatment of electroless nickel coatings.

The professorship would like to thank the speakers for the opportunity to participate in the ZVO Surface Days 2023 and is delighted with the consistently positive response.

Picture: Boxing world champion Regina Halmich (centre), Prof. Thomas Lampke (4th from right) and WOT scientists at the ZVO Surface Days 2023 (Photo: T. Lampke)

24.10.2023 – Events of the professorship ( )