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Professorship Adaptronics and Lightweight Design in Production
Phone list

Alphabetical team list


For contact details please click on the last name.

Please note that, each employee also has its own fax-number: for that please put 8 after 531.
e.g.: 0371-531-8-12345


Last name First name Office Phone number E-Mail
  +49 (0)371-...
Buschbeck Marie 531-32672
Böttger Jonas 2/M201531-32029
Carabello Alina FhG/IWU531-38240
Chen Chen 2/M204531-34261
Drossel Welf-Guntram FhG/IWU531-37472
Dudhat Akshay Rameshbhai 2/M204531-33771
Fritzsche René 2/E108531-39756
Heber Susann 531-37977
Liu Xing 531-33775
Marx Maud 2/M102a531-34532
Nemati Amir 2/M204b531-34888
Nikkhah Emad 531-35161
Voigt Immanuel FhG/IWU531-31964
Weiß Felix 2/M204531-34631
Werner Jonas Maximilian 2/M201531-32203