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English Literatures
English Literatures 


Portrait: Prof. Cecile Sandten
Prof. Cecile Sandten
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-37353
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Reichenhainer Straße 39, 09126 Chemnitz
  • Room:
    C46.214 (prev. 2/39/214)
  • Office hours:
    Due to the current situation, flexible office hours will be held online after previous registration by e-mail
  • Chairmanship:
    President of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS)
    Studiendekanin der Philosophischen Fakultät der TU Chemnitz
  • Other:
    Vertrauensdozentin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Key Activities and Main Research

Shakespeare, his Contemporaries, and Adaptations
English Literature (1600 – today)

Postcolonial Literatures
Literary Urban Studies
Indian English Literature

Refugee Narratives

Career/Job History

Since April 2008

Professor of English Literature at Chemnitz Univeristy of Technology

Oct. 07 – March 08

Substituting Professor of English Literatur and Culture, Leibniz University Hannover

1998 – 2006

Habilitation (post-doctoral thesis) in English Literature and Cultural Studies (University of Bremen); venia legendi: "Anglistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft"

20 July 2006

Habilitation-Colloquium: "Postmodern – politisch, parodistisch und plural: Zeitgenössisches schottische Lyrik"

since 2005

Member of the Institute of Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Bremen

2002 – 2007

Co-Founder and Vice Chair of the Institute of Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies (INPUTS), University of Bremen

since 1998 External Examiner of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Berlin
1994 – 1997

Doctoral Thesis (Dr. phil.) (University of Bremen) Broken Mirrors. Interkulturalität am Beispiel der indischen Lyrikerin Sujata Bhatt. (Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 1998)

1994 – 1997 Ph.D.-scholarship holder of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation

"Visiting Scholar" at the Centre for International Studies, Aalborg University (Dänemark); scholarship holder with SPIRIT: "School for Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research on Interculturalism and Transnationality"

1990 – 1991

Studies Abroad: English and Irish Literature; Theatre Studies, British History and Media Studies at the University of Coleraine, Northern Ireland (Erasmus)

1987/88 – 1994

English/American and Cultural Studies at Bremen University M.A. (Grade: 1.0)



Shakespeare's Globe, Global Shakespeares. Transcultural Adaptations of Shakespeare in Postcolonial Literatures. Trier: WVT, 2015.

Broken Mirrors. Interkulturalität am Beispiel der indischen Lyrikerin Sujata. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 1998.

Editorial Works

Palimpsest und Raum: Über ein neues Konzept für die Kulturwissenschaften. Eds. Nebelin, Marian, Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Cecile Sandten. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024.

Contemporary Indian English Literature: Context - Authors - Genres - Model Analyses. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Indrani Karmakar, Oliver von Knebel Doeberitz. Tübingen: Narr, 2024.

Narrating Flight and Asylum. Eds. Mandy Beck, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti, and Cecile Sandten. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today 11.

Crossing the Channel: British-German Historical and Cultural Dialogues. Eds. Rudolf Boch, Marian Nebelin, Cecile Sandten. Prinz-Albert-Forschungen Bd. 2. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2022.

Die Stadt: Eine gebaute Lebensform zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Eds. Jens Beutmann, Martin Clauss, Cecile Sandten und Sabine Wolfram. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2022.

Protest: Forms, Dynamics, Functions. Eds. Mandy Beck, Cecile Sandten and Daniel Ziesche. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2021.

Special Issue, "Voices of Their Own: South Asian Women’s Writing". ZAA (Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik). Issue Editors: Cecile Sandten and Ranu Uniyal. Vol 66.1, (2018). https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/zaa/66/1/html

Special Issue, "Representing and Narrating Flight, Refugeeism, and Asylum". Postcolonial Text. Issue Editor: Cecile Sandten. Vol 12.3&4, (2017). http://postcolonial.org/index.php/pct/issue/view/58

Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe: Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands. Eds. Sandten, Cecile, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti Eike Kronshage. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2017.

Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis. Eds. Cecile Sandten and Annika Bauer. Cross/Cultures 188. ASNEL Papers 20. Brill: Rodopi, (2016).

Home: Concepts, Constructions, Contexts. Eds. Cecile Sandten and Kathy-Ann Tan. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015. Rezension.

Palimpsestraum Stadt. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Eike Kronshage and Winfried Thielmann. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015.

Stadt der Moderne. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Christoph Fasbender and Annika Bauer. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013.

Detective Fiction and Visual Popular Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß and Melanie Graichen: CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013.

Dannert, Leonie. Rev. of Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. Medienwissenschaft: Rezensionen/Reviews Sonderpublikation - Studentische Ausgabe. 2015: 45-47.

McNeill, Elizabeth (2015): "Holmes under the Magnifying Glass: Questioning the Conventions of Detective Fiction". Rev. of Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture. KULT_online 44 (2015).

Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten and Gunter Süß. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2009.

Sektion III, Travelling Literatures, "Introduction", Cecile Sandten with Sissy Helff and Axel Stähler. Anglistentag 2008 in Tübingen, Proceedings. (Ed.) Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt, 2009: 207-213.

Transkulturelle Begegnungen. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Martina Schrader-Kniffki and Kathleen Starck. Kritische Beiträge zum postkolonialen und transkulturellen Diskurs. Trier: WVT, 2007.

Zwischen Kontakt und Konflikt: Stand und Perspektiven der Postkolonialismusforschung. Eds. Mechthild Blumberg, Gisela Febel, Angela Hamilton, Cecile Sandten and Hella de Souza. Kritische Beiträge zum postkolonialen und transkulturellen Diskurs. Trier: WVT, 2006.

Contributions to Books; Articles in Refereed Journals, and Conference Proceedings

Sandten, Cecile. "Chemnitz und die Krisen Kommentare und Analysen aus einer populärkulturellen Perspektive". In: Laux Thomas, Ulf Bohmann (eds.): Kulturhauptstadt Chemnitz 2025: Sozialräumliche Erkundungen. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag 2024, 158-176. 

Nebelin, Marian, Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Cecile Sandten. „Das Palimpsestraumkonzept. Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zur Analyse kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschungsgegenstände“. In: Nebelin, Marian, Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Cecile Sandten (eds.): Palimpsest und Raum: Über ein neues Konzept für die Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024, 7-20.

Nebelin, Marian, Cecile Sandten. „Palimpsest und Raum“. In: Nebelin, Marian, Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Cecile Sandten (eds.): Palimpsest und Raum: Über ein neues Konzept für die Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024, 21-59.

Sandten, Cecile. „Toxisches Postkoloniale Palimpsest: Der Versuch einer Zusammenführung“. In: Nebelin, Marian, Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer, Cecile Sandten (eds.): Palimpsest und Raum: Über ein neues Konzept für die Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2024, 193-216.

Sandten, Cecile. “’Vancouver Walking’: Contemporary Canadian Urban Poetry.” Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate, Vol. 33 (2024): 226-258. https://doi.org/10.25623/conn033-sandten-1

Silke Hünecke, Klaus-Jürgen Nagel, Cecile Sandten. "Managing Crises from Below? Civil Society Initiatives and Social Movements in the Context of the Current Crises in Europe". In: Silke Hünecke, Klaus-Jürgen Nagel, Cecile Sandten (eds.): "Managing Crises from Below? Civil Society Initiatives and Social Movements in the Context of the Current Crises in Europe". Special Issue: Moving the Social: Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements. 72, 1 (September) 2024, 3–24. https://doi.org/10.7788/mots.2024.72.3

Sandten, Cecile. “’You’ve never known how to have fun’: Unsettling the Idealised Image of Women through Cringe comedy – Miranda Hart’s BBC Television Sitcom Miranda”. Pluralität und Erkenntnis: Festschrift zu Thomas Metschers 90. Geburtstag. Ed. Edgar Radewald. Kassel: Mangroven Verlag, 2024: 87-105.

Sandten, Cecile, Silke Hünecke, Klaus Jürgen Nagel. „Managing Crises from Below? Civil Society Initiatives and Social Movements in the Context of the Current Crises in Europe”. Moving the Social: Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements. Special Issue. 72 (2024), 3-23.

Sandten, Cecile. "Contemporary Indian English Women Poets: The Diasporic Experience in Poetry of Sujata Bhatt and Imtiaz Dharker." Contemporary Indian English Literature: Contexts - Authors - Genres - Model Analyses. Tübingen: Narr, 2024: 143-175.

Sandten, Cecile. "Introduction - Contemporary Indian English Literature: Contexts, Authors, Genres, Model Analyses." (with Indrani Karmakar). Contemporary Indian English Literature: Contexts - Authors - Genres - Model Analyses. Tübingen: Narr, 2024: 11-25.

Sandten, Cecile. "Making the Invisible Visible: Flight and Asylum Stories for Children." Narrating Flight and Asylum. Trier: WVT, 2022: 43-66.

Sandten, Cecile. "Introduction: Narrating Flight and Asylum." (with Mandy Beck, Claudia Gualtieri, and Roberto Pedretti). Narrating Flight and Asylum. Trier: WVT, 2022: 1-10.

Sandten, Cecile. "A Garden of One's Own: Female Self-Enunciation through Enacting an English Garden in Germany. Elizabeth von Arnim's 'Garden Novels'."  Crossing the Channel: British-German Historical and Cultural Dialogues. Eds. Rudolf Boch, Marian Nebelin, Cecile Sandten. Prinz-Albert-Forschungen Bd. 2. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2022: 149-164.

Sandten, Cecile, with Rudolf Boch and Marian Nebelin. "Introduction: Crossing the Channel: British-German Historical and Cultural Dialogues." Crossing the Channel: British-German Historical and Cultural Dialogues. Eds. Rudolf Boch, Marian Nebelin, Cecile Sandten. Prinz-Albert-Forschungen Bd. 2. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2022: 1-14.

Sandten, Cecile, with Bernadette Malinowski and Marian Nebelin. "Von der Schichtung zur Palimpsestierung: 'Palimpsest' als kulturwissenschaftlicher Grundbegriff". Zeitschrift für Semiotik 43-1-2 (2022): 171-205.

Sandten, Cecile. “The Tent City 'Jungle' as Heterotopia and Geopolitical Liminal Space: Kate Evans' Graphic Novel Threads: From the Refugee Crisis (2017).” Die Stadt – Eine gebaute Lebensform zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Eds. Jens Beutmann, Martin Clauss, Cecile Sandten and Sabine Wolfram. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022, 67-89.

Sandten, Cecile, with Jens Beutmann, Martin Clauss and Sabine Wolfram. “Einleitung: Die Stadt – Eine gebaute Lebensform zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Die Stadt – Eine gebaute Lebensform zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Eds. Jens Beutmann, Martin Clauss, Cecile Sandten and Sabine Wolfram. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2022, 1-9.

Sandten, Cecile. “Postcolonial Urban Aesthetics: The Poetics of Location and Dislocation in a Selection of ‘Bombay’ Poems.” Anglistik 32.3 (2021), 53-69. DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/ANGL/2021/3/7

Sandten, Cecile. Sujata Bhatt's Poetry in a Cross-Cultural German Context. Teaching Anglophone South Asian Women Writers. Eds. Deepika Bahri and Filippo Menozzi. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2021, 295-303.

Sandten, Cecile. “'… those with nothing to lose' – Reading the 2011 English Riots as a Form of Protest: David Fermer's Young Adult Novel Riot (2013). Protest: Forms, Dynamics, Functions. Eds. Mandy Beck, Cecile Sandten and Daniel Ziesche (eds.). Trier: WVT, 2021, 177-190. 

Sandten, Cecile. “Refugee Tales: Asylum Stories and Walks as New Forms of Literary and Political Intervention.” Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 31.3 (Winter 2020), 121-136.

Sandten, Cecile. “Precarious Discourse, Discursive Precarity: Chris Cleave’s (Postcolonial) Refugee Novel Little Bee (The Other Hand) (2008).” Postcolonial Interventions: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Postcolonial Studies. 5.2, 2020, 14-45. DOI.org/10.5281/zenodo.3924512

Sandten, Cecile. “'Transnational Decolonial Aesthetics': The “Hottentot Venus” Re-Configured.” The Transnational in Literary Studies: Potential and Limitations of a Concept. Wiegand, Kai (ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020, 56-75.

Sandten, Cecile. "Challenging and Reconfiguring Flânerie in Fictions of Contemporary Indian Metropolises". Urban Walking –The Flâneur as an Icon of Metropolitan Culture in Literature and FilmOliver Bock, Isabel Vila-Cabanes (eds.). Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2020, 195-214. https://vernonpress.com/book/741

Sandten, Cecile. "Heterotopian Spaces of Feminist Self-Enunciation in Anita Desai’s Writings". Conversations on Utopia: Cultural and Communication Practices. Claudia Gualtieri, Miriam Bait (eds.). Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2020, 163-191.

Sandten, Cecile. "The Current Crisis in the City of Chemnitz: Analyses, Commentaries and Reflections.From the European South 5, 2019, 57-71, PDF

Sandten, Cecile. "Introduction: Representing and Narrating Flight, Refugeeism, and Asylum." Postcolonial Text Vol 12, No 3&4 (2017), 1-9

Sandten, Cecile. "Representations of Poverty and Precarity in Contemporary Refugee Narratives." Postcolonial Text Vol 12, No 3&4 (2017), 1-15

Sandten, Cecile. "Postcolonial Invocations: The Poetics of Location and Dislocation in Four Bombay Poems." Kavya Bharati 29 (2017): 117-137.

Sandten, Cecile with Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti, and Eike Kronshage. "Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe: Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands". In: Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe: Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands. Eds. Sandten, Cecile, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti Eike Kronshage. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2017, 11-23.

Sandten, Cecile. "Stuck in Limbo? The Politics of Departure, Arrival and Acculturation in 'Fictions of Asylum' for Children and Young Adults". In: Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe: Emergency Diasporas and Borderlands. Eds. Sandten, Cecile, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti Eike Kronshage. Trier : WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2017, 237-253.

Sandten, Cecile with Annika Bauer. "Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis". In: Re-Inventing the Postcolonial (in the) Metropolis. Eds. Cecile Sandten and Annika Bauer. Cross/Cultures 188. ASNEL Papers 20. Brill: Rodopi, 2016, i–xxi.

Sandten, Cecile. "Transcultural Tempests: Dev Virahsawmy’s Toufann, A Mauritian Fantasy." Postcolonial Interventions Vol 1 Issue 2 (2016), pp. 40-75.

Sandten, Cecile. "Vancouver's 'Unhomely Women': The Female Flâneur in Nancy Lee's Dead Girls (2003)." Home: Concepts, Constructions, Contexts. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Kathy-Ann Tan. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015, 197-208.

Sandten, Cecile with Kathy-Ann Tan. "Home: Concepts, Constructions, Contexts – An Introduction." Home: Concepts, Constructions, Contexts. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Kathy-Ann Tan. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015, 1-8.

Sandten, Cecile. "Unhomely Women" im post-Apartheid-Palimpsestraum Kapstadts: Patricia Schonstein Pinnocks Skyline." Palimpsestraum Stadt. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Eike Kronshage and Winfried Thielmann. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015, 165-180.

Sandten, Cecile with Eike Kronshage and Winfried Thielmann. "Palimpsestraum Stadt: Einführung." Palimpsestraum Stadt. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Eike Kronshage and Winfried Thielmann. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2015, 1-11.

Sandten, Cecile. "Caryl Phillips' the Nature of Blood: Othello, the Jews of Portobuffole, and the Post-Empire Imaginary." Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empire. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Virginia Richter and Marijke Denger. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2015, 329-350. (peer-reviewed)

Sandten, Cecile. "'Home was always far away': Intertextual and Intermedial Poetic Appropriations of Double Consciousness in Sujata Bhatt's Pure Lizard." Journal of South Asian Diaspora. Special Issue Mapping Diasporic Subjectivities. 6.1 (2014): 7-18. (peer-reviewed)

Sandten, Cecile. "Kaliyattam (The Play of God) by Jayaraj: Polymorphous and Postcolonial Poetics in an Indian Othello Adaptation." Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines. Eds. Jana Gohrisch and Ellen Grünkemeier. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2013, 305-322. (peer-reviewed)

Sandten, Cecile, with Christoph Fasbender and Annika Bauer. "Einführung: Stadt der Moderne." Stadt der Moderne. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Christoph Fasbender and Annika Bauer. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013, 1-11.

Sandten, Cecile. "Intermediale Fiktionen der postkolonialen Metropole: Kalkutta, Delhi und Kairo in den Graphic Novels von Sarnath Banerjee und G. Willow Wilson." Stadt der Moderne. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Christoph Fasbender and Annika Bauer. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013, 237-255.

Sandten, Cecile with Gunter Süß: "Introduction: Detective Fiction and Popular Visual Culture." Detective Fiction and Visual Popular Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß and Melanie Graichen. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013, 1-7.

Sandten, Cecile. "Preisverleihung 28.10.20111, 19.30 Uhr, Neue Sächsische Galerie Chemnitz." Detective Fiction and Visual Popular Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß and Melanie Graichen. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013, 71-73.

Sandten, Cecile. "Transgressing Geographic Boundaries: The Indian Summer of Sherlock Holmes." Detective Fiction and Visual Popular Culture. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Gunter Süß and Melanie Graichen. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT, 2013: 169-180.

Sandten, Cecile. "Contemporary Nomads, or Can the Slumdweller Speak?" Narrating Nomadism: Tales of Recovery and Resistance. Eds. Ganesh N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis and K.K. Chakravarty. New Delhi: Routledge, 2013, 117-131.

Sandten, Cecile. "Metroglorification and Diffuse Urbanism: Literarische und Mediale Repräsentationen des Postkolonialen im Palimpsestraum der neuen Metropole." Anglia 130.3 (2012): 344–363.

Sandten, Cecile, with Ines Detmers and Birte Heidemann. "Introduction: Tracing the urban imaginary in the postcolonial metropollis and the 'new' metropolis." Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 47.5 (Dec. 2011): 483-487.

Sandten, Cecile. "Intermedial fictions of the 'new' metropolis: Calcutta, Delhi and Cairo in the graphic novels of Sarnath Banerjee and G. Willow Wilson." Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 47.5 (Dec. 2011): 510-522.

Sandten, Cecile. "Phantasmagorical Representations of Postcolonial Cityscapes in Salman Rushdie's Fury (2002) and Suketu Mehta's Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (2004)." Commodifying (Post)Colonialism: Othering, Reification, Commodification and the New Literatures and Cultures in English. Eds. Rainer Emig and Oliver Lindner. Cross/Cultures 127, ASNEL Papers 16, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2010: 125-144.

Sandten, Cecile. "'There's a strength of steel in their writing': Pittsburgh Poets, Industrialization, Industrial Heritage and Post-Industrialization." Industrialization, Industrial Heritage, De-Industrialization: Literary and Visual Representations of Pittsburgh and Chemnitz. Eds. Evelyne Keitel, Cecile Sandten and Gunter Süß. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today. Trier: WVT: 2009, 135-151.

Sandten, Cecile. "Ethnic Life Writing: Beatrice Culleton Mosionier's and Yvonne Johnson's Semi-Autobiographical Novels In Search of April Raintree and Stolen Life: The Journey of a Cree Woman." Indigeneity: Culture and Representation: Proceedings of the 2008 Chotro Conference on Indigenous Languages, Culture and Society. Eds. Ganesh N. Devy, Geoffrey V. Davis and K.K. Chakravarty. New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2009, 306-318.

Sandten, Cecile. "Zwischen den Welten: Ein 'transkultureller' Lebensentwurf in Sumitra's Story von Rukshana Smith." Praxis fsu, 6/2008, 35-39.

Sandten, Cecile. "Komisch, festlich, grausam: William Shakespeares A Midsummer Night's Dream." Glaubensstreit und Gelächter: Reformation und Lachkultur im Mittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit. Eds. Christoph Auffahrth, Sonja Kerth. Religionen in der pluralen Welt. Religionswissenschaftliche Studien. Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich: Lit Verlag, 2008, 175-194.

Sandten, Cecile. "Mulk Raj Anand's Novel Untouchable as an Example of a Cohesion of Literary and Political Issues in the EFL Classroom." Indian Literature and Culture in the Classroom. Ed. Oliver Lindner. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008, 51-68.

Sandten, Cecile. "Politics, Plurality and Parody: Postmodern Experiments in Contemporary Scottish Poetry by Edwin Morgan, Tom Leonard, Liz Lochhead and Jackie Kay." Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes, 19.1 (2008): 85-98.

Sandten, Cecile. "Othellos schwarze Frau: Djanet Sears' Harlem Duet als zeitgenössische Shakespeare-Adaption." Moderne Dramandidaktik für den Englischunterricht. Eds. Rüdiger Ahrens, Maria Eisenmann and Matthias Merkl. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008, 155-174.

Sandten, Cecile. "'With Pomp, with Triumph, and with Revelling': William Shakespeares Misummer Night's Dream und Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Musikalische Adaption." Transkulturelle Begegnungen. Eds. Cecile Sandten, Martina Schrader-Kniffki and Kathleen Starck. Trier: WVT, 2007, 135-157.

Sandten, Cecile. "'How to Talk 'Postcolonial'? Ansätze zu einem umstrittenen Theoriebegriff." Zwischen Kontakt und Konflikt: Stand und Perspektiven der Postkolonialismusforschung. Eds. Mechthild Blumberg, Gisela Febel, Angela Hamilton, Cecile Sandten and Hella de Souza. Trier: WVT, 2006, 19-37.

Sandten, Cecile. "Constructing the Transcultural Self: Sumitra's Story by Rukshana Smith." Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 5.1 & 2 (Jan-Dec. 2005): 71-78.

Sandten, Cecile. "German Diasporic Consciousness? Culture and language variations in the poetry of the Indian German-resident poet Sujata Bhatt." German Responses to Indian Writing in English. Eds. Bernd-Peter Lange and Mala Pandurang. New Delhi, Bangalore, Jaipur, Mumbai: Rawat Publications, 2005, 238-260.

Sandten, Cecile. "The Empire of Shakespeare in India: Deglamourised, Transformed, Greatly Shrunk." Shakespeare's Legacy. Ed. Norbert Schaffeld, WVT: Trier, 2005, 105-123.

Sandten, Cecile. "East is West: Hanif Kureishi's Urban Hybrids and Atima Srivastava's Metropolitan Yuppies." Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World. Cross/Cultures 79, ASNEL-Papers 9.2. Eds. Geoffrey V. Davis, Peter H. Marsden, Bénédicte Ledent and Marc Delrez. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, 2005, 373-385.

Sandten, Cecile. "Kindred Sisters: Sujata Bhatt's Poetic Adaptations of Paula Modersohn-Becker's Self-Portraits." Anglistentag Proceedings München 2003. Eds. Christoph Bode, Sebastian Domsch and Hans Sauer. Trier: WVT, 2004, 193-209.

Sandten, Cecile. Re-print: "Kindred Sisters: Sujata Bhatt's Poetic Adaptations of Paula Modersohn-Becker's Self-Portraits." Kavya Bharati 16 (2004): 112-138.

Sandten, Cecile. "Zwischen den Welten: Der asiatisch-britische Jugendroman 'Sumitra's Story' – die Gestaltung eines hybriden Lebensentwurfs." Hard Times 75 (2003): 45-52.

Sandten, Cecile. "Body Politics in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave." Anglistentag Proceedings Bayreuth 2002. Eds. Ewald Mengel, Hans-Jörg Schmid and Michael Steppat. Trier: WVT, 2003, 497-507.

Sandten, Cecile. "'Self-styled British-based Asian Women' in Atima Srivastava's Transmission and Looking for Maya." Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 3.1 & 2 (Jan-Dec. 2003): 17-27.

Sandten, Cecile: "Make Lemonade von Virginia Euwer-Wolff – Ob man aus diesem Buch mehr als Limonade machen kann?" fsu 6 (2003): 414-419.

Sandten, Cecile. "From Kipling to Rushdie, Mwangi and Bond: Education and Entertainment in Colonial and Postcolonial Children's Literature." LWU: Journal of Academic Research and Education, XXXIV, 1 (2001): 49-64.

Sandten, Cecile. "Blended Identity: Culture and language variations in the poetry of the Indian German-resident poet Sujata Bhatt." Connotations: A Journal of Critical Debate 10.1 (2000/2001): 87-98.

Sandten, Cecile. "'Jist ti Let Yi No': Einige Anmerkungen zu zeitgenössischer schottischer Lyrik: Tom Leonard und Liz Lochhead." Hard Times: Deutsch - Englische Zeitschrift 71 (Sommer 2000): 28-32.

Sandten, Cecile. "In Her Own Voice: Sujata Bhatt and the Aesthetic Articulation of the Diaspora Condition." The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 35.1 (2000): 99-119.

Sandten, Cecile. "India, America and Germany: The interhistorical and intertextual process in the work of the Indian poet Sujata Bhatt." Across the Lines: Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English. Cross/Cultures 32, ASNEL-Papers 3. Ed. W. Klooß. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998, 51-63.

Sandten, Cecile. "Beyond the Canon? Some Reflections on the New Literatures in English." New Literatures in English: Prospects and Retrospects: 25 Years of Study, Teaching and Research in German-Speaking Countries. Ed. Frank Schulze-Engler. Spec. issue of ACOLIT 4 (2002). Frankfurt a.M.: Institut für England- and Amerikastudien, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 59 - 65.

Sandten, Cecile. "Hybridity and Syncretism as Theoretical Concepts of the 21st Century: Describing Cultural Productivity." Common Ground? Crossovers between Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies. Eds. Bernhard Klein and Jürgen Kramer. Trier: WVT, 2001, 55 - 59.

Reviews, Interviews, Articles in Magazines/Newsletters

Sandten, Cecile. „Die Grenzgängerin“. Freie Presse, 14. Oktober 2017, Seite A1.

Sandten, Cecile. „Rev. Sujata Bhatt, Poppies in Translation. Manchester: Carcanet Press (2015)”. Kavya Bharati 29 (2017): 194-201.

Rev. of Global Realignments and the Canadian Nation in the Third Millennium. Ed. Karin Ikas, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010. Anglia 130.2 (2012): 321-3.

Rev. of Reflective Landscapes of the Anglophone Countries. Ed. Pascale Guibert, Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2011, 310. Anglia 130.2 (2012): 221-3.

"Indian English Literature and the Dialectic of Tradition and Modernity." Confluence: South Asian Perspectives April 2010: 22-23.

Rev. "Evoking Place and Space of Here and There: Shanta Achaya, Dreams That Spell the Light." Kavya Bharati 22 (2010): 200-207.

Rev. "Susanne Quevas. Babylon and the Golden City: Representations of London in Black and Asian British Novels since the 1990s. Karin Ikas and Gerhard Wagner, eds. Communicating in the Third Space." ZAA LVIII (2010): 77-80.

Rev of We Speak in Changing Languages: Indian Women Poets 1990-2007, eds. E V Ramakrishnan and Anju Makhija, New Delhi: Sahitiya Akademi, 2009. Confluence: South Asian Perspectives Jan. 2010: 16.

Rev. of Prämediation – Remediation: Repräsentationen des indischen Aufstands in imperialen und post-kolonialen Medienkulturen (von 1857 bis zur Gegenwart). Astrid Erll. ELCH - Studies in English Literary and Cultural History 23. Trier: WVT, 2007. Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, 127 (2009) 1: 149-153.

"A Huge Yello CHOTRO-Poster at Delhi Airport, Rama in the Sky, a Polyphony of Voices and 'Time Immemorial': A Report on "Chotro – International Conference on Indigenous People in the Post-Colonial World: Language – Literature – Culture – History," January 2-5, 2008, Indira Ghandi National Centre for the Arts, Delhi, India. Acolit 62.7/08 (2008): 31-34.

Rev. of Die Literatur der Kultur: Kommunikationstheoretische Perspektiven auf afroamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturdiskurse. Carsten Schinko. Trier: WVT, 2006. Anglia 126.1 (2008): 191-194.

Rev. of Die Ordnung der Kulturen. Zur Konstruktion ethnischer, nationaler und zivilisatorischer Differenzen 1750-1850, eds. Hansjörg Bay and Kay Merten. SfR – Stiftung für Romantikforschung 29. Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2006. Anglia 126.1 (2008): 160-164.

Rev. of Transgressions: Cultural Interventions in the Global Manifold, eds. Renate Brosch and Rüdiger Kunow. Anglistik: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Anglistenverbandes, 19.1 (2008): 225-229.

Rev. "A participant in life's carnival: Different Modes of Representation in Shanta Acharya's poetry collection Shringara (2006)." Kavya Bharati 18 (2006), 38-43.

Rev. "'How do you speak, where there are no images of self to claim?' Raman Mundair's Poetry Collection Lovers, Liars, Conjurers and Thieves." Kavya Bharati 17 (2006): 187-195.

"Elfriede Jelinek: The Nobel Laureate". Journal of Literature & Aesthetics 4.1 & 2 (2004): 85-88. (refereed)

Rev. Shakespeare's Cross-Cultural Encounters. Geraldo U. de Sousa (2002), Repositioning Shakespeare: National Formations, Postcolonial Appropriations. Thomas Cartelli (1999). Wasafiri 39 (Summer 2003): 72-74. (refereed)

Rev. of Writing Black Britain 1948-1998: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, ed. James Procter, Manchester: Manchester UP. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterrricht. XXXV 4 (2002): 401 - 402. (refereed)

"Atima Srivastava (India): Ich bin vor hier wie von dort". Literatur Nachrichten. Ed. Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika e.V. Frankfurt a.M. 74 (Jul.-Sept. 2002): 5-7. (refereed)

"'I am from here and also from there': An Interview with Atima Srivastava." Acolit 50 (Jun. 2002): 18-21.

"A German Prospero and an Indian Ariel: Balancing Power. " Annette Leday (Annette Leday Dance Company, India/France) in interview with Cecile Sandten. Journal of Commonwealth Literature 36.2 (2001): 5-13. (refereed)

Together with Carola Iller, "Tarifvertrag Wissenschaft?! Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter/innen diskutieren über die Zukunft des Akademischen Mittelbaus." Bremer Uni Schlüssel 58 (April 2000): 14.

"Sujata Bhatt in Interview with Cecile Sandten." Kunapipi: Journal of Post-Colonial Writing XXI.1 (1999): 110-118. (refereed)

"A Political Animal – Interview with Ogaga Ifowodo." Acolit 44 (Mai 1999): 18-21.

"Ein Poet ist ein ‚politisches Tier': Gespräch mit Ogaga Ifowodo (Nigeria)." Literatur Nachrichten. Ed. Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Literatur aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika e.V. Frankfurt a.M. 60 (Jan.-March 1999):14-16. (refereed)

"Other Worlds – Other Texts – Other Questions: On Pedagogy and Scholarly Research in the study and teaching of the Post-Colonial Literatures: A Review of the 1998 GNEL/ASNEL-Conference." Hard Times 64 (1999): 82-83. (refereed)

"Vielfalt oder doch nur wieder Homogenisierung? Die 22. ‚Literarische Woche' in Bremen zum Thema ‚schwarzafrikanische Literatur'". Acolit 42 (May 1998): 8-12.

"Zeichen setzen und Spuren suchen. Der Frauenliteraturverlag Zeichen + Spuren". Newsletter. Ed. BücherFrauen: Women in Publishing. 9 (Feb. 1997): 29-30.

"Gibt es eine Zukunft der Stadtbibliothek?" ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 75 (Jul./Aug. 1996).

"Bewahren vor dem Vergessen. Malerinnen des XX. Jahrhunderts". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 74 (Jun. 1996).

"Bremen: 'Stadt der Zuflucht?' Hoffnungsschimmer für KünstlerInnen". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 73 (May 1996).

"Die Indische Lyrikerin Sujata Bhatt. Das Schreiben als ein Ort der Identitätssuche und -Findung?" Newsletter. Ed. BücherFrauen: Women in Publishing e.V. 7 (1996): 10-11.

"Kalter Krieg & Capri-Sonne. Die Fünfziger Jahre in der Literarischen Woche 1996". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 69 (Dec./Jan. 1995).

"Vergangenheit durchschaubar machen. Über den Verlag Helmut Donat". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 64 (Jun. 1995).

"Als Schriftsteller bist du automatisch politisch: Über den nigerianischen Dichter und Vertreter des nigerianischen Schriftstellerverbandes (ANA) Uche Nduka". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 62 (April 1995).

"Optimismus ist Pflicht. Gegen eine Talfahrt der Stadtbibliothek Bremen". ZETT. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 52 (April 1994).

"Shakespeare & Companies". ZETT. Ed. Kulturzentrum Schlachthof e.V. 46 (Sept. 1993).

"Sujata Bhatt. In drei Welten leben". Frauen in der Literaturwissenschaft. Rundbrief 40 (Dec. 1993). Universität Hamburg: 14-15.

Professional Memberships

Since 1995

Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS) - Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies

Since 1998

German Association of University Teachers of English / Anglistenverband

Since 1999

Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft e.V. [German Association for the Studies of Shakespeare]

Since 2000

Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien e.V. (GKS) [German Society for Canadian Studies]

Since 2004

Deutscher Hochschulverband [German University Association]

Since 2008

European Association of the European Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies (EACLALS)

Since 2022

Association for Literature and Urban Studies (ALUS)