Conflicting Truths in Academic and Journalistic Writing
The theme of this year, Conflicting Truths, will gather in Ohrid previous and new partners from universities in Germany, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia for a successful and beneficial continuation of the Summer Schools 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2018. Truths are assessed and established on the basis of the CHEP (2018 project) elements of credibility, honesty, ethics and politeness. While many people believe that there is only one truth, we will foster the discussion and interpretation of different truths, from a national perspective of the student participants of the summer school. The discussion will concentrate on academic and journalistic writing.
Study and exchange
The TU Chemnitz English Department welcomes students and scholars for semesters abroad and our international Master's study program in English. Find more information on exchange opportunities on the website of our International Office. TU Chemnitz students are also encouraged to explore our Erasmus partnerships with South Eastern Europe.
Workshop in Vrsac, May 16 - 19, 2019
This year, there will be one workshop, which will take place in Vrsac, Serbia. Partners from universities in Germany, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia will discuss about the upcoming summer school in Ohrid and relevant aspects such as theoretical concepts, possible group activities, applications and so on. There will also be a beneficial discussion on the criteria and purposes of the forthcoming joint publication, REAL 17. The workshop will take place during the period May 16-19.
- Armela Panajoti - Organizing research papers: endnotes or footnotes?
- Bledar Toska - Authenticity and Data in Academic Discourse
- Bisera Kostadinovska Stanchevska - How to find, include, cite and evaluate internet sources
- Danica Skara - Older sources quoted in recent references
- Irina Petrovska - Forensic Linguistics and its influence on the modern judicial system
- Ivana Mitic - Quantitative data as markers of truth
- Jasmina Djordjevic - The use of the APA referencing and formatting style in academic writing: Tips and tricks
- Jovanka Lazarevska - MLA style
- Josef Schmied - Introduction
- Jessica Dheskali - How to improve our next REAL volume
- Marina Ivanova - Semantic and pragmatic truth implications in English concessive construction
Plan and accommodation
Study Visit in Chemnitz, Germany, June 28 - July 7, 2019
Promissing young researchers from Albania, Croatia, North Macedonia and Serbia had the opportunity of a 10 days research trip to the University of Chemnitz. The research trip consisted of participating in a workshop on academic presentations, access/intro. to our library / e-journals, extensive feedback on their presentations, the discussion of their theses/articles in a small international Conference in Chemnitz, "Digital English World-Wide," a meeting on the upcoming Summer School and other social activities.
Summer School in Ohrid, North Macedonia, August 23 - 31, 2019
The Ohrid summer school 2019 will gather in Ohrid (Congress Center) previous and new partners from universities in Germany, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia for a successful and beneficial continuation of the Summer Schools 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2018. As in the previous successful summer schools, there will be an initial essay application on the project’s theme, many interactive discussions, group activities and a final journalistic or academic text that students from different countries will jointly write. By considering well-known and recent examples from academic and journalistic writing (e.g. the incidents in Chemnitz, the name dispute between North Macedonia and Greece etc.), students will discuss as to which extend, they agree to the presented truths or to what extend they are influenced by them. To create a better connection between the students and a positive and fun environment, there will also be activities such as a joint boat trip and visit to the historical center of Ohrid. There were also short presentations by every teacher (see Teacher Presentations) and extra-curricular activities. Every participant will receive a copy of the REAL volume published by the project team in 2019.
Students willing to participate applied by sending a 1500-2000-word essay in English (as an example of academic or journalistic writing) on "Conflicting Truths" from their national perspective to their university coordinators or to Vincenzo
Student feedback
"I think that my critical thinking has developed a lot. It made me realize that everything has at least 2 sides to consider."
"[...] It was amazing how members of international groups supported each other."
"[...] honestly, I didn't want this summer school to end."
Teacher Presentations
- Bledar Toska - Hedging and boosting truth in Albanian newspaper opinion pieces
- Jessica Dheskali - How to lie with statistics
- Josef Schmied - Conflicting truths in academic and journalistic writing: forms, functions and intentions
- Marina Ivanova - Preparing, conducting and presenting impactful interviews
- Vincenzo Dheskali - How to lie with frames in journalistic writing and scientific research
Student Presentations
National Groups: Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia (Vrsac, Nis)
Mixed Groups: Air Pollution in Macedonia, Lake Ohrid in UNESCO, Smoking Law, Tourism in Ohrid, White Lies
Conflicting Truths in Academic and Journalistic Writing

- Schmied, J. "Conflicting Truths in Academic and Journalistic Writing: Forms, Functions, and Intentions"
- Đorđević, J. "Conflicting Truths in the Comment Sections of Serbian News Websites: One Click is All It Takes"
- Schmied, J. "Framing the News Media in Germany? Background and Linguistic Analyses of a Manual for the General Public Broadcasting Services in Germany (ARD)"
- Dheskali, V. "Attacks by the Hamas Resistance Movement or Terrorist Movement, Israeli Defence or Occupation Forces? A Corpus-Based Comparison of the Framing of the Israeli-Palestine Conflict in American, Arab-Speaking, Israeli and Palestinian Online Journals"
- Prtljaga, J. "'It must be true – the President says it'. Using Epistemic Modals to Construct Truths in European Political Discourse"
- Mitić, I. "(Non)lingual Elements as Markers of Truth in the Serbian Media: The Case of the “1 of 5 Million” Protest"
- Dheskali, V., Zenelaj, J., Pashaj, I. "Analysing the Truths about Brexit Represented on UK, EU and USA News Websites: The Case of Modal Assessments"
- Ivanova, M. "Semantic and Pragmatic Truth Implications of Concession in Single- and Double-Blind Open Peer Reviews"
- Palinkašević, R. "The Truths about Healthy Diets: Popular Views, Preschool Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching in Serbia"
- Shalevska, E. "The Language of Media Framing: The Case of North Macedonia’s Ex-Prime Minister"
- Milojković, M. "Conflicting Truths in the Coverage of “1 of 5 Million” Protests in Serbia: A Discourse Analysis"
- Lokvenec, S. "Conflicting Truths in a Literary Text: A Case Study of Nabokov’s Lolita"
- Dheskali, J. "Statistics Can Lie! – Using Descriptive Statistics in Academic Writing to Shape Reader’s Interpretations"
- Albrecht, S. "Using Topic Modeling to Analyse Political Speeches"
- Goredema, P. "Conflicting Truths in the English Language Curriculum: A Synopsis of Professional and Preservice Teachers’
Self-Efficacy Concerns" - Petrovska, I. & Ivanova, M. "Teaching Lexical Patterns in English and Macedonian Media Discourse: Confronting Issues of Conflicting Truths"
Conflicting Truths in the media
Follow our activity under University News (below)
Student impressions
Check out Marina's blog posts on her first academic experiences in South Eastern Europe during the Workshop in Vrsac and Summer School in Ohrid.
Dive into the atmosphere of our annual Summer School:Reflections on Truths

Truths and Framing
Read more on conflicting truths in the context of ARD's framing manual as covered by, CDN, Süddeutsche Zeitung here and here, Spektrum, and Die Zeit. More on the fight against fake news in France in Franceinter.
Truths, Facts and (Fake) News
Recommended reading:
Bennett, W. L. (2016). News: The politics of illusion. University of Chicago Press.
Starbird, K. (2017). Examining the Alternative Media Ecosystem through the Production of Alternative Narratives of Mass Shooting Events on Twitter. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.
Wineburg, S., McGrew, S., Breakstone, J. and Ortega, T. (2016). Evaluating Information: The Cornerstone of Civic Online Reasoning. Stanford Digital Repository
The 2017 Fake News scandal in Macedonia as covered in Die Zeit, CBS News and Wired.
Find out more about fact-checking in Google News, FactCheckand Poynter.