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Junior Professorship Intercultural Education


Here you can find an overview of the junior professorship's current research projects.

Migration und Bildung in Printmedien im Rahmen der Forschungsverbundinitiative "Populistische Diskurse"

The research on populist discourses in print media (daily newspapers) examines how these influence the world view of citizens and in particular contribute to the (re-)production of attributions, inclusions and exclusions. Public (media) discourses set interpretative frameworks and influence thought patterns, language creates reality and media discourses can influence the attitudes and acceptance of the population. In the interdisciplinary sub-project, which is being carried out in interdisciplinary collaboration with Dr. Peggy Matauschek and has an educational and political science orientation, a critical discourse analysis of four local, regional and national daily newspapers is being carried out. The subject of the study is the analysis of media discourses on the integration of children and young people with migration and refugee experiences in school and extracurricular educational institutions and spaces in Saxony and Germany. Furthermore, the extent to which populist characteristics can be observed in the communication is analyzed. These include the reference to the majority society, anti-elitism and the exclusion of certain population groups.

Head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gross

Funding: TU Chemnitz (1.000 EUR)

Cooperation: Dr. Peggy Matauschek (Professur Politische Systeme, TU Chemnitz)

Zeitungen, Prospekte, Stapel

Illustration: Print Media (pixabay)

Soziale und ökologische Gerechtigkeit aus diversitätssensibler Perspektive

Students are required to actively engage with issues of social justice and develop appropriate problem-solving strategies, action concepts and social and personal skills in order to sensitize, shape and further develop the social space as individuals. To this end, the junior professorship contributes to the promotion of ecological and social justice as part of a research project in collaboration with an inclusive school in Chemnitz. To this end, participatory, school ethnographic field research will be carried out involving pupils, teachers, social pedagogues and other educational stakeholders. The project focuses on raising awareness of sustainability issues and thus contributes in particular to Goal 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gross

Funding: Zusatzbudget Projektaquise, TU Chemnitz (8.443,80 EUR)

Illustration: Iceberg Model (own photo)

Bodymapping für Diversität - BOND (TUCculture 2025)

As part of seminars of the Junior Professorship of Educational Science with a focus on intercultural education, students will conduct three workshops for Chemnitz civil society in cooperation with the Intercultural Learning Department of Agiua e.V. in the winter semester 2024/25. The aim of the workshops is to address hybrid multiple affiliations in post-migrant society and to make invisible diversity in Chemnitz visible. The chosen method of body mapping allows a creative exploration of the life stories of people with and without a history of migration. It enables students and participants to explore transnational affiliations and sensitize them to heterogeneity.

Head: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Gross

Partner: Marielena Groos, M.A.

Funding: TUCculture (5.000 EUR)

Illustration: Gastaldo et al. (2012). Body-Map Storytelling as Research Methodological considerations for telling the stories of undocumented workers through  body mapping (p. 8). CreativeCommons.