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Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics

Research projects

  1. Current projects
    1. Diffusion and Trapping in Confined Liquid Films and at Interfaces
    2. Hyperbolicity and Lyapunov-Analysis
    3. Pattern Formation in Systems with Fluctuating Delay
    4. Stability of Cutting Processes
    5. Chaos in Disordered Hamiltonian Systems
    6. Anomalous Transport
    7. Dynamics of hysteretic systems
  2. Previous projects
    1. Long-term behaviour of large dynamical systems
    2. Modeling of fast chaotic degrees of freedom by stochastic processes
    3. Investigation of nonlinear-dynamic effects in maintenance
    4. Control of extended fast complex systems with spatiotemporal delayed feedback
    5. Improvement of the cutting quality of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting with methods of Nonlinear Dynamics
    6. Analysis of hidden diffusion processes
    7. Methods of system adaption

Current projects

Diffusion and Trapping in Confined Liquid Films and at Interfaces

Funded within the Saxon research unit 877 "From Local Constraints to Macroscopic Transport"
Subproject P4 "Diffusion and Trapping in Confined Liquid Films and at Interfaces"

Project Leader: Prof. Dr. Günter Radons

Experimentally observed diffusion is only seen as a two-dimensional projection from a basically three-dimensional space. Composite Markov processes which are supposed to be able to explain these basic experimental results yield predictions about typical time and length scales. These are compared to the experiment, where for layering systems the diffusion coefficients depend on the observed time or space window.

Diffusion within the layers
Simulation of a 2-layer process showing diffusion within the layers (with nonidentical diffusion coefficients) and random jumps between the layers.

Furthermore the evaluation of the range of applicability of composite Markov processes is investigated. For thin liquid films we expect to get sensible results for the diffusion coefficients and transition rates of the real system. For thicker liquid films the simple approach with discrete layers is supposed to fail for the layers farthest away from the solid interface, where a transition to bulk diffusion is expected. Thus, a full three-dimensional continuum model using a 3-d Fokker-Planck equation for the stochastic motion is more appropriate.
In cooperation with the group Optical Spectroscopy and Molecular Physics previously hidden details are extracted from experiments to develop an optimized analysis scheme for optical single molecule tracking data. This should help to separate effects of the diffusant/liquid and the diffusant/substrate interactions.

Hyperbolicity and Lyapunov-Analysis

Details can be found in our group brochure (PDF).

Pattern Formation in Systems with Fluctuating Delay

Details can be found in our group brochure (PDF).

Stability of Cutting Processes

Details can be found in our group brochure (PDF).

Chaos in Disordered Hamiltonian Systems

Details can be found in our group brochure (PDF).

Anomalous Transport

Details can be found in our group brochure (PDF).

Dynamics of hysteretic systems

Hysteresis is a very general phenomenon occurring beyond physics and chemistry in interrelations in engineering, social, and economic science. In many branches of science Preisach-type models of hysteresis are applied to complex, non-local hysteresis successfully.

We are interested in coupling of dynamical systems (iterated maps and PDEs) with hysteresis of Preisach-type. Additionally randomly driven hysteresis is part of our research focus. Recent investigations made sicnificant insights into the origin and impact of hysteresis long-term memory.

In addition, see:
  • G. Radons, Hysteresis-Induced Long-Time Tails, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 240602 (2008). Abstract
  • Press release by Chemnitz UT, September 8, 2008: Das Gedächtnis von Arbeitslosigkeit und Hochwasser berechnen (PDF)
  • page 6 f. in our group brochure (PDF)

Previous projects

Long-term behaviour of large dynamical systems

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Günter Radons
Contact: Dr. Hong-liu Yang , Dipl. Phys. Christian Drobniewski

Details can be found in the german version of this site.

Modeling of fast chaotic degrees of freedom by stochastic processes

Cooperation with the Research Group "Nonlinear dynamics and time series analysis", Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and the group Dynamical Systems at Queen Mary / University of London supported by the German Research Foundation

Project leader: PD Dr. Wolfram Just, Prof. Dr. Holger Kantz, Prof. Dr. Günter Radons
Contact: Dr. Katrin Gelfert

Details can be found in the german version of this site.

Investigation of nonlinear-dynamic effects in maintenance

Interdisciplinary priority program of the Volkswagen Foundation "Investigations of Non-linear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems"

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Berend Denkena , Prof. Dr. Hans Kurt Tönshoff, Prof. Dr. Günter Radons
Contact: Dipl. Phys. André Löser

Details can be found in the german version of this site.

Control of extended fast complex systems with spatiotemporal delayed feedback

Cooperation with the group " Nonlinear Spin Dynamics", Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, TU Darmstadt and supported by the German Research Foundation

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Benner, PD Dr. Wolfram Just, Prof. Dr. Günter Radons

The main scope of the project is control in spatially extended chaotic systems using spatiotemporal delayed feedback. New and robust control methods will be developed for the stabilisation of fast spatiotemporal structures. From the experimental point of view complex electronic networks and ferromagnetic films are of main interest. Based on analytical approaches, numerical simulations, and real experiments we investigate how limitations, e.g. of topological origin, can be relaxed by modifications of the control method. As an application we intend to select and stabilise dynamical patterns in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films beyond the first order Suhl threshold.

experimental bifurcation diagram for high-power ferromagnetic resonance on a YIG sphere
Experimental bifurcation diagram for high-power ferromagnetic resonance on a YIG sphere (ν = 9.26 GHz) with respect to magnetic field H and input microwave power Pin. The lowest line indicates the Suhl threshold, the lines above seperate regimes of different time behaviour, e.g. period doublings (P2, P4), quasiperiodicity (QP), different types of intermittency (INT II, INT III) or chaos.

Improvement of the cutting quality of Abrasive Waterjet Cutting with methods of Nonlinear Dynamics

Funded until 2005 within the interdisciplinary priority program of the Volkswagen Foundation "Investigations of Non-linear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems"

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Engelbert Westkämper, Prof. Dr. Günter Radons

Details can be found in the german version of this site.

Analysis of hidden diffusion processes

Funded until 2004 within the interdisciplinary DFG Priority Program 1114 "Mathematical Methods for Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing"

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Günter Radons
Contact: Dr. Abdelhadi Benabdallah

Diffusion processes, continuous in time and space, often cannot be observed directly but only via functions reflecting the measurement process. We investigate the parameter estimation problem for hidden diffusion processes in a periodic potential. We propose a discrete model as an approximation of continuous partially observed diffusion processes. Using the Baum-Welch algorithm we estimate the drift and the diffusion parameters which characterize the diffusing state variable via an approximation by a discrete random walk. Numerical results confirm our analytical estimation.

More details can be found in the german version of this site.

Methods of system adaptions

Details can be found in the german version of this site.

  • Graphic

    Cutting-Edge Research in Retirement

    The research group “Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics” publishes in “Physical Review Letters” its newest insights on chaotic diffusion in delay systems …

  • 3 men standing around a computerl.

    A New Form of Chaos is Realized in the Lab

    Renowned publication: An international research team including members from Chemnitz confirms their prediction of a new type of chaos – with potential applications in communication technology, cryptography and data processing …

  • Olderly man with beard is holding a certificate.

    Chemnitz Physicist Awarded

    Prof. Dr. Günter Radons honored by an International Physics Society for excellent peer reviewing …

  • •	Dr. Günter Radons, Dr. Andreas Otto and David Müller sit in front of a computer.

    New Type of Chaos Discovered

    Discovery of a new type of chaos by physicists from Chemnitz draws worldwide attention –opportunities in communication, cryptography, and computing …