2. bis 5. Juli 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef
675. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar: Delayed Complex Systems 2018
The aim of the 675. WE-Heraeus Seminar: Delayed Complex Systems 2018 is to bring together leading scientists and young researchers working on nonlinear time delay systems, complex networks and spatially extended systems with time delays. The possibility for a fruitful scientific exchange on new fundamental aspects and recent developments in applications of time delay systems is given by the unique format of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminars in the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.
Topics include but are not limited to: Laser dynamics with external (delayed) feedback, time delayed feedback control, complex dynamics and synchronization in delay coupled systems, the role of delays in population dynamics and epidemiology, effects of nonlinearities and delays in engineering applications, fundamental aspects of systems with variable or state-dependent delay
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: A. Otto, G. Radons und W. Just
29. September bis 2. Oktober 2013, Dresden
Focus Workshop Synergetic Approaches to Complexity SYNCOM13
Symposium im Gedenken an Prof. Rudolph Friedrich
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: H. Haken, J. Peinke und G. Radons
28. bis 30. August 2006, Chemnitz
International Symposium Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanosystems
Themen: Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanoscopic Systems: Scaling, Stochasticity, and Quantum Mechanics
Organisatoren: G. Radons, B. Rumpf, und H. G. Schuster
12. bis 16. Juli 2006, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef
373. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar: Anomalous Transport: Experimental Results and Theoretical Challenges
Experimental results for anomalous transport under different nonequilibrium conditions such as anomalous dispersion
in flows, transport in porous media, aging in glassy systems, anomalous diffusion of cells and in cell membranes,
surface diffusion, anomalous distributions in granular media, intermittency in plasma physics, power laws in glasses
and polymers...
Theoretical methods and models: nonhyperbolic dynamics, intermittent deterministic transport,
disordered maps and billiards, Lévy walks, Lévy flights, random walks in random environments, quenched disorder,
dynamical phase transitions, classical dynamical localization, thermodynamic formalism, continuous time random walks,
fractional calculus, renormalization group approaches...
Wissenschaftliche Leitung: R. Klages, G. Radons, und I. Sokolov
8. und 9. April 2003, Chemnitz
4th International Symposium on the Investigation of Nonlinear Dynamic Effects in Production Systems
Abschlußsymposium des Schwerpunktprogramms "Untersuchung nichtlinear-dynamischer Effekte in produktionstechnischen Systemen" der Volkswagenstiftung
Organisatoren: G. Radons und R. Neugebauer
25. August bis 6. September 2002, Chemnitz
WE-Heraeus-Ferienkurs für Physik 2002: Kollektive Dynamik nichtlinearer und ungeordneter Systeme
Organisatoren: G. Radons, W. Just, P. Häussler
11. bis 15. März 2002, Regensburg
Symposium Anwendungen der Nichtlinearen Dynamik in Medizin und Technik (PDF)
im Rahmen der DPG Frühjahrstagung des Arbeitskreises Festkörperphysik, Fachverband Dynamik und Statistische Physik
Organisatoren: R. Friedrich, A. Kittel und G. Radons