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Physics of Cognition
Gruppenfoto (m)


Portrait: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer

Portrait: Tobias Müller
Tobias Müller
Administrative Assistant

Portrait: Georg Blanke
Georg Blanke
PhD student

Portrait: Tina Frenzel
Tina Frenzel
Scientific Assistant in joint project (Ethiktool) with SFKS

Portrait: Dr. Sabine Grimm
Dr. Sabine Grimm
Senior Researcher

Portrait: Jochen Miksch
Jochen Miksch
PhD student

Portrait: Patricia Müller
Patricia Müller
PhD student (SFB/TRR 135)

Portrait: Dr. Inka Schmitz
Dr. Inka Schmitz

Portrait: Max Theisen
Max Theisen
PhD student in joint project with the DLR (Institute of Transportation Systems)

Students conducting their B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis can be found in the list of theses projects.