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Theoretical Physics of Complex Dynamic Systems
Theory Seminar
Theoretical Physics of Complex Dynamic Systems 

Joint Seminar of the Theory Groups

Theorie, Modellierung, Simulation


mittwochs, 9:15 Uhr, hybrid: MAIN C50.001-002 & https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/joe-peh-qck


16.10.2024 Peter Henning (TUC)
Vortrag zur Masterarbeit
(Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel)
23.10.2024 Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg (TUC)
The Einstein Relation
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
30.10.2024 Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg (TUC)
Energy forms on fractals and their spectral asymptotics
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
06.11.2024 ""
13.11.2024 David Röhlig (TUC)
"Air bubble crystals"
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
27.11.2024 Prof. Dr. Varsha Banerjee (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi )
"Emergent Properties in Ferronematics: Sub-domain Morphologies, Slaved Coarsening and Biaxiality"
(Prof. Dr. M. Weigel)
04.12.2024 Tom Witke (TUC)
"Strahlungstransport durch Gewebe mit Mie-Phasenfunktionen" (Vortrag in deutsch und in präsenz!)
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
11.12.2024 Dr. David Müller-Bender (TUC)
"Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Systems with Time-Varying Delay"
(Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel)
18.12.2024 Dr. Tony Albers (TUC)
“Chaotic Diffusion in Delay Systems”
(Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel)
08.01.2025 FÄLLT AUS ! - Maik Schwuchow (TUC)
" Monte-Carlo Simulation of Singlet-Exciton Repopulation from Charge-Transfer States in Organic Solar Cells "
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
15.01.2025 Tom Rodemund
"Coupling in optical microcavities"
(Prof. Dr. Martina Hentschel)
22.01.2025 Maximilian Neumann (TUC)
"Simulation of Dynamics and Self-assembly of Magnetically Decorated Particles"
(Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming)
29.01.2025 Lukas Seemann
"Ballistic electron dynamics in bilayer graphene cavities"
(Prof. Dr. M. Hentschel)
05.02.2025 Aaron Steinhäußer (TUC)
"Untersuchung magnetischer Oszillatoren und zweier magnetisch gekoppelter Fadenpendel" bei dem sowohl experimentelle als auch theoretische Methoden verwendet wurden (Modulprüfung Fachmethodik)
(Prof. S. Gemming)