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Proofreading Service

English Proofreading Service for Professors
and Academic Staff

Are you preparing

  • an abstract
  • an article
  • a presentation or
  • a lecture


And would you like to have it proofread by an American native speaker and instructor of English? If so, prepare a short sample of your work (up to 500 words) in a double-spaced, wide-margined, 12-font text as a PDF and email it to the address below.  

Please state your academic field and provide a word count.

Your submission will receive feedback concerning grammar, style, spelling and punctuation, but no comments on content or technical vocabulary.

This proofreading service is being provided by Steve Endres. Steve has been an instructor of English at the Foreign Language Centre for many years and is looking forward to proofreading your work and returning a scanned version with his hand-written notes on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note that priority will be given to those who have not yet used this free service.
