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MAXimum Aging for Research

The MAX age simulation suit developed at Chemnitz University of Technology helps in the design of barrier-free living spaces - ARTE report will air on "Xenius" magazine on 13 August 2020 at 5:05 pm

The international TV channel ARTE will show how the MAX age simulation suit (german article) by Chemnitz University of Technology is currently being used in science and practice on 13 August 2020 at 5:05 pm. The segment not only shows the suit itself but also includes Chemnitz University of Technology’s age research in the test and demonstration centre WohnXperium. Presenter Emilie Langlade and presenter Adrian Pflug try out the suit themselves and thus literally age by decades within a few moments - physical restrictions included. Among other things, they learn what research is looking for in the design of barrier-free rooms and even modify a bathroom to suit the age group or to make it easier for people with limited mobility to find their way around.
In addition, Dr. Thomas Löffler, research associate at the Professorship of Ergonomics and Innovation Management (Prof. Dr. Angelika Bullinger-Hoffmann), will demonstrate the sensory tunnel and the VR Cube, which can be used to realistically simulate and examine scenarios for age-appropriate living or living with restrictions.
"For us, this is once again a great opportunity to present the research work of our professorship and especially the MAX age simulation suit to a wider public," says Danny Rüffert. It is always amazing for media representatives to see how MAX can suddenly make you feel 30 years older.
The contribution will be available in the ARTE media library after the broadcast.

Background: MAX age simulation suit

MAX was developed by the Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management at Chemnitz University of Technology together with AutoUni, Wolfsburg AG, Audi AG and Volkswagen Group Research in order to design and evaluate age-appropriate workplaces. In the meantime, the suit is also used to research and design barrier-free living spaces.
MAX probably had its biggest media appearance in 2010 during an experiment by Stern TV (german press release) at the University of Witten/Herdecke. At that time, the suit was also worn by the famous german presenter Günter Jauch.

Background: Test and Demonstration Centre WohnXperium

The WohnXperium at Chemnitz University of Technology (Fürstenstraße 21-23) is a test and demonstration centre for barrier-free and assisted living. Here, architects and craftsmen as well as  decision-makers from the housing industry and other professional groups, such as the care sector, can simulate how life with age-related limitations feels and how a living space has to be designed to be suitable for people with disabilities.

With the concept of modular equipment, which is unique in Germany, walls can be moved and living spaces can be designed quickly and easily. For example, true-to-scale cardboard items are used instead of real furniture. Especially the age-critical rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen can be flexibly redesigned and tested for usability with the MAX age simulation suit.

As part of the project "Chemnitz+ Zukunftsregion lebenswert gestalten" ("Making Chemnitz + the region a future worth living in") funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management at Chemnitz University of Technology was intensively involved in the concept design and, beyond that, in the physical implementation. In the meantime, the WohnXperium has been in existence for one year and has registered more than 1,500 participants in training courses, workshops and action days.

Multimedia: In a video campaign, the Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management presents current aspects of its research. On an episode of the university science podcast "TUCscicast" (german podcast), occupational scientist Prof. Dr. Angelika Bullinger-Hoffmann talks about the fourth industrial revolution and how we will live and work in the future 

For further information on the MAX age simulation suit and the WohnXperium, please contact Danny Rüffert, Research Associate at the Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management, phone +49 (0)371 531-34886, e-mail danny.rueffert@mb.tu-chemnitz.de.

(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Chelsea Burris)

Matthias Fejes

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