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TUCaktuell Personalia

New Presidential Representative for Young Scientists

Michael Schmischke is the new presidential representative for young scientists at Chemnitz University of Technology

At Chemnitz University of Technology, there is a new presidential representative for young scientists: Michael Schmischke  from the Faculty of Mathematics.

The President’s Office had advertised the position of Presidential Representative for Young Scientists, which was created in 2016 and filled for the first time in 2017, throughout the university due to the upcoming new appointment. On the basis of the expressions of interest received and taking into account the vote of the members of the Senate of Chemnitz University of Technology from the group of Academic Staff as well as the Representation of Academic Staff of Chemnitz University of Technology (VAMC), the President’s Office has appointed Mr. Michael Schmischke (M. Sc.) as the new Presidential Representative for Young Researchers.

Michael Schmischke has known Chemnitz University of Technology for many years from many different perspectives. He successfully completed his Bachelor's and Master's degree in mathematics in 2019. Currently he is a doctoral candidate and research assistant in the AI junior research group SAlE at the Faculty of Mathematics and at the same time he is the faculty's manager for student success. He has already been involved in a large number of committees of academic self-administration and is very pleased to now hold this new position: "I am honored to have been selected by the president’s office and my colleagues for this important task," says Schmischke, delighted with his new position.

During his term of office, he intends to focus particularly on participation and communication, which includes strengthening self-administration and networking. "It is a particular concern of mine and my understanding of this task to include young scientists in the decision-making processes and to act as a mouthpiece.” He encourages young scientists to actively address him. "My door is always open and I can only encourage everyone to contact me at any time.”

In addition, a new newsletter will inform young scientists about current events and discussions in the committees at Chemnitz University of Technology. Interested young scientists can give individual feedback and help shape the process. Schmischke designs the newsletter together with the VAMC and committee representatives. The newsletter can be subscribed to online. The information will be sent out at appropriate intervals. In addition, depending on the corona situation, there will be a round table in the future to promote the exchange among young scientists.

Background: Presidential Representative for Young Scientists

The Presidential Representative for Young Scientists at Chemnitz University of Technology generally acts as a link between the president’s office and the young scientists whose interests they represent. The representative participates in committee meetings such as the TUCforum and works closely with the Vice President for Research and Young Scientsits, Prof. Dr. Jörn Ihlemann.

Further information: www.mytuc.org/pdvd

(Author: Matthias Fejes/Translation: Chelsea Burris)

Matthias Fejes

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