Performance Pays Off
Chemnitz University of Technology and the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology (Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Universität Chemnitz e. V.) will award nine university prizes for the best theses in 2020
Congratulations to the 2020 University Laureates at Chemnitz University of Technology - top row, from left: Dr. Kevin Koban, Theresa Teicher, Dr. Kevin Kinne, Dr. Michael Quellmalz; bottom row, from left: Dr. André Dettmann, Dr. Stefan Kahl, Dr. Alexandra Cook, Dr. Johannes Aprojanz, Michael Hauck. Photomontage: Jacob Müller / Photos: private
The Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology ( has awarded nine university prizes again in 2020. They are endowed with 1,000 euros each. The prizes are awarded to the best final theses from each of the eight faculties and the Centre for Teacher Training. In connection with the award ceremony, which unfortunately cannot take place in person this year due to corona, Dr. Peter Seifert, chairman of the association, emphasizes the special importance of academic education on the one hand and the relevance of the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology in the context of promoting and supporting Chemnitz University of Technology on the other. Dr. Seifert advocates the support of the Society in order to continue to promote research and teaching at Chemnitz University of Technology in this way, and in this context he would like to express his heartfelt thanks to the sponsors of the university prizes.
All 2020 University Prizes at a glance
The University Prize for the Faculty of Natural Sciences is awarded to Dr. Johannes Aprojanz for his dissertation called “Diffusive and Ballistic Transport Channels in Epitaxial Graphene Nanoribbons.” The sponsor is HTM Härtetechnik & Metallbearbeitung GmbH.
Dr. Michael Quellmalz is awarded the University Prize for the Faculty of Mathematics for his dissertation called “Reconstructing Functions on the Sphere from Circular Means.” The prize was sponsored by eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co.
The University Prize for the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering goes to Dr. André Dettmann for his dissertation called “Suitability of Autostereoscopic Displays in the Vehicluar Context, Taking into Account Ergonomics and Perceptual Performance.” The prize was sponsored by Niles Simmons Industrieanlagen GmbH.
The University Prize for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is awarded to Michael Hauck for his master thesis called “Control-Oriented Modeling on the Anode Recirculation and Purging Processes in PEM Fuel Cell Systems.” The sponsor is Siemens AG.
The University Prize for the Faculty of Computer Science goes to Dr. Stefan Kahl for his dissertation called “Identifying Birds by Sound: Large-scale Acoustic Event Recognition for Avian Activity Monitoring". The prize was sponsored by the GPP Chemnitz Gesellschaft für Prozessrechnerprogrammierung mbH.
Dr. Kevin Kinne received the University Prize for the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The topic of his dissertation is "On the Influence of the Taxation Date on the Exercise Behavior of Options Granted as Compensation." Sonja and Dr. Jürgen Oehlschläger act as sponsors of the prize.
Dr. Kevin Koban accepts the University Prize 2020 on behalf of the Faculty of Humanities at Chemnitz University of Technology. His dissertation is called "Interactivity as Dynamic Demand. A Conceptual, Methodological, and Empirical Foundation for an Innovative Approach to Study Video Games." Sponsor is the City of Chemnitz.
The University Prize for the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences goes to Dr. Alexandra Cook. Her dissertation called "Informal Leadership in Teams: Multilevel Perspectives on Perception and Behavior" was convincing. The prize is sponsored by Sparkasse Chemnitz.
The ninth University Prize is awarded to the Centre for Teacher Training. Theresa Teicher received the prize for her thesis on "Collective Modeling Processes in Primary School Using the Example of the Picture Book 365 Penguins.” The prize was sponsored by Deutsche Bank AG.
The Chemnitz University of Technology and the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology congratulate all prize winners.
Background: Chemnitz University of Technology University Prizes
Since 1994, the University Prizes have been awarded annually by Chemnitz University of Technology and the Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology (German). The number of prizes depends on the number of faculties - at the beginning there were seven, then eight and since 2017 a university prize has also been awarded at the Centre for Teacher Training. The prize money is 1,000 euros each. The Society of Friends of Chemnitz University of Technology is trying to win over companies and private sponsors for the award. From 1994 to 2020 a total of 203 university prizes were awarded.
(Author: Mario Steinebach/Translation: Chelsea Burris)
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , MAIN
- , Absolventen