Digital support for your mathematics courses
The digital Lern|RAUM Mathematics supports students with individual offers for the introduction and consolidation of mathematical topics during their studies.
Martin Winter, Jasmin Sternkopf, and Stefan Bannach took over the digital Lern|RAUM Mathematics at the start of the 2021 summer semester. Photo: Screenshot Lern|RAUM Mathematics
Lern|RAUM Mathematics
The Lern|RAUM Mathematics is a service of the Faculty of Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology to help students get started with mathematical topics and to help them with questions in the further course of their studies. It can also assist students in brushing up their Abitur knowledge in mathematics. In principle, the offer is directed at all students, but is especially geared towards Bachelor students in the following courses:
- Höhere Mathematik I & II (for Industrial Engineering, Chemistry, Sensory and Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science, and Communication Sciences).
- Höhere Mathematik I & II (for Mechanical Engineering)
- Mathematik I & II (for Business majors)
- Mathematik I & II (for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and pPysics)
- Mathematics lectures for elementary school teachers
- Statistics for economics
With the digital Lern|RAUM Mathematics, a platform is available that supports learning and practicing together, even without the possibility to meet in person. It provides meeting in single sessions with tutors or learning groups.
There are several ways to get in touch with the tutors:
- Using the forum in OPAL: here, you can ask question (also anonymously) which are answered promptly.
- By e-mail: the mail contacts of the tutors are available online on the Lern|RAUM website.
- For personal meetings with tutors, there are fixed appointments in the digital Lern|RAUM every Wednesday and Thursday from 5:15 pm to 6:45 pm.
The digital Lern|RAUM is run via the video conferencing tool "BigBlueButton". There you can find a whiteboard ready to be used for sketches, formulas and calculations. It is best to send the tutors relevant material in advance, such as exercise sheets or scripts, so that they can prepare for you in the best possible way.
Background: The Lern|RAUM at the TU Chemnitz
The Lern|RAUM has been around for almost eight years. It was initially launched in the winter semester 2013/14 and temporarily operated via the now expired project "TU4U". With the expiration of this project, the Lern|RAUM now returns to the Faculty of Mathematics.
With the start of the summer semester 2021, Martin Winter, research assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics, takes over the Lern|RAUM. Winter will be supported by two student assistants, Jasmin Sternkopf (Master's program in Mathematics with in-depth computer science training) and Stefan Bannach (Master's program in Finance).
Together, they offer a broad range of expertise to support students - from basic mathematics and statistics to applications in natural science, computer science and economics.
For further information, please contact Martin Winter, Research Assistant at the Chair of Algorithmic and Discrete Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics at TU Chemnitz, e-mail
Matthias Fejes