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University News Honours

High performance pays off

On 10 October 2013 the university prizes of Technische Universität Chemnitz as well as the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) were awarded

  • The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) was awarded this year to Adithya Sridhar (2nd f. l.) from India. Among the first congratulators count Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht (l.) from the International Office as well as Prof. Dr. Egon Müller (2nd f. r.) and Dr. Jens Schütze from the Professorship of Factory Planning and Factory Management where the prize winner is engaged as student assistant in addition to his studies. Photo: Philip Knauth
  • Nine graduates were honored for their outstanding theses by the award of the university prizes which are donated by companies and individual persons. Photo: Philip Knauth

On 10 October 2013 nine graduates were honored for their outstanding theses by the award of the university prizes. In addition, also the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for excellent and highly engaged international students was awarded.

Since several years the best theses of all faculties are honored by the university prizes endowed with 1.000 Euro and awarded by the Society of Friends of Technische Universität Chemnitz (Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Chemnitz).

The prize winner at the Faculty of Natural Science this year was Dr. Maik Schlesinger who was honored for his doctoral thesis dealing with the topic "Via nano-scale bismuth oxide clusters to (metastable) polymorphs of bismuth(III)-oxyde and their photocatalytic activity”. This prize was sponsored by eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co. KG.

The award at the Faculty of Mathematics was dedicated to Dr. Manuel Gräf for his doctoral thesis "Efficient algorithms for the computation of optimal quadrature points on Riemannian manifolds”. This prize was sponsored by NILES-Simmons-Hegenscheidt GmbH.

To Dr. Sebastian Härtel was awarded the university prize at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The award for his doctoral thesis "Experimental and numeric examinations with regard to process development of non-circular spinning” was also sponsored by NILES-Simmons-Hegenscheidt GmbH.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology had two prize winners this year. Lars Meinel was awarded for his diploma thesis dealing with the topic "Multiple object tracking for interior monitoring by the use of an omnidirectional camera system”. Tobias Schnelle was honored for his diploma thesis regarding the "Design and commissioning of an active B6C-rectifier” sponsored by the Siemens AG.

Dr. Jens Kürsten won the university prize at the Faculty of Computer Science with his doctoral thesis dealing with the topic "A generic approach to component-level evaluation in information retrieval” sponsored by Voith Engineering Services GmbH.

Bianka Hempel was treating the theme of "Gender differences in pro-social behavior: donation of money, time or both to charitable causes” and was awarded for her master thesis with the university prize at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration sponsored by the Deutsche Bank AG.

The prize winner at the Faculty of Humanities was Dr. Hagen Schäfer. The award for his doctoral thesis dealing with "The opus of radio drama of Fred von Hoerschelmann” was sponsored by the family Sonja und Dr. Jürgen Oehlschläger.

Dr. Doris Oriwol did her doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences regarding the theme "Methodological aspects of biomechanical measurements under laboratory conditions - a critical examination of the conventional measurement report of long-distance running” and was awarded the university prize at this faculty sponsored by envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG.

The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) endowed with 1.000 Euro for international students was awarded this year to Adithya Sridhar from India. He studies Micro and Nano Systems and engages voluntarily in the Buddy Program of the International Office as well as in the Club of Cultures.

(Translation: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)

Katharina Thehos

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