TU Chemnitz invites to the Courtyard Festival
Again music, entertainment and sweets in a convivial rural setting will ring in the upcoming Advent season on December 3rd 2014
Christmas atmosphere on Campus: As in the previous year, the Courtyard festival will be held on the forecourt of the Weinhold-Bau at the Reichenhainer Straße 70. Photo: Mario Steinebach
After its successful premiere last year, this year the courtyard festival will also take place on the forecourt of the Weinhold-Bau at Reichenhainer Straße 70. “The central location in the heart of campus has been proven for this event“, says Julita Schmidt, co-organizer of the traditional university event. On Wednesday, December 3rd 2014, the university invites all professors, staff, students, alumni, sponsors and all interested to celebrate the upcoming advent. From 2.30 to 6 p.m. visitors can expect a versatile program in and around the Weinhold-Bau – the corporal well-being will be catered for, too.
At 2.30 p.m. the courtyard festival will be formally opened by the rector of TU Chemnitz, Prof. Dr. Arnold van Zyl. Thereafter, David Laux, the Head of University Communications Department, will lead through the program of the day in a moderating way. “What is new, there will be no courses on that day at the time when the courtyard festival begins“, explains Julita Schmidt: “So every student and employee can participate.“ Following the opening speech, in order to ensure good mood among the numerous visitors expected, from 2.45 to 3.15 p.m. will perform the TU Big Band under the direction of Marc Hartmann, followed by a fifteen-minute performance by the choir of the Krabbelkäfer kindergarten. “Afterwards, there will be a fashion show of the latest Uni-Shop collection from 3.30 until 3.45 p.m.“, says Schmidt. What is more, a cozy fireplace from 3 p.m. on will serve against cold temperatures. At 4 p.m. Stephan Luther, the Head of University Archive, will present the current project of his department: “Chemnitz 100 years ago“. Therefore, he will also present some practical instructional materials. At 5 p.m. the University Choir led by its director Prof. Conrad Seibt will be the final act of the courtyard festival that will ring out until the official end at 6 p.m.
Besides the official framework program, numerous student initiatives as well as external exhibitors will be on site. Among other things, the Techniker Krankenkasse will carry out a free heart stress level measurement. For the 15-minute examination, students and staff have to register until the 1st of December 2014 via email at event@tu-chemnitz.de. The Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau will provide grilled foods and Christmas cookies during the festival. “To ensure that the smallest visitors are best cared for during the event, there will be crafts and play corner in warm foyer of the Weinhold-Bau“, added Schmidt.
Employees of TU Chemnitz can use a shuttle-bus at 2.15 and 3.30 p.m. between university sites Straße der Nationen and Reichenhainer Straße, to arrive quickly and free of charge. Thanks to the semester ticket, students can ride bus for free with the direct bus route 51.
Person of contact: Julita Schmidt, Event organization at the Department of University Communications, Email julita-magdalena.schmidt@verwaltung.tu-chemnitz.de
(Author: Martin Blaschka, Translation: Nataliia Boiko)
Katharina Thehos
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