Positive study assessment at TU Chemnitz
Study quality monitor: students praise teaching quality, technical equipment, service and general conditions in Chemnitz
Many aspects of teaching: from the knowledge transfer through counseling during the study period up to the research-based learning were positively evaluated by the students surveyed in Chemnitz. Photo: Steve Conrad
In the Study Quality Monitor 2014, which the German Centre for Higher Education and Scientific Research brought together with the workgroup of Higher Education Research at the University of Konstanz, all over Germany have been assessed 5,430 students on the study quality of higher education at their educational establishments, including 432 students in Chemnitz. “TU Chemnitz performed better in many questions on the quality of the studies, compared to the national average of universities and colleges“, says the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Learning at TU Chemnitz, Prof. Dr. Christoph Fasbender pleased.
More than 72 percent of the students, who study in Chemnitz, praise the dedication of the teaching staff in teaching lectures. 82 percent are very satisfied with the availability of the computer workstations, which is 24 percent higher than the national average. 86 percent and 85 percent of the students respectively, praise the opening times of the computer pools and the University Library. 86 percent of the respondents awarded top grades for access to the WiFi, which allows a spatially independent work with a PC. Very good assessments received TU Chemnitz from its students for the technical equipment in the event premises and laboratories. Lectures are rarely overcrowded, and there is usually plentiful space in laboratory rooms. The students in Chemnitz are supported better than the national average in obtaining technical knowledge as well as in teamwork and independence. The study and exam regulations are also often praised. In some areas Fasbender sees a need for immediate action – for instance in E-Learning and the availability of spaces for independent learning. “However, the survey showed us that for 90 percent of students the practical relevance of teaching is very important“, says Fasbender. In this context, in the research-related teaching and promotion of independent research during the studies, TU Chemnitz is already well in a better position than many other institutions of higher education in Germany.
The study framework conditions also received good grades in Chemnitz. 75 percent of the students praise the offers of the University Sports. With the cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau and the cultural offerings around the university are satisfied 73 percent of respondents. Significantly better than the national average is assessed the housing situation. Only 33 percent of the students are very satisfied with it across Germany, whereas in Chemnitz these are 89 percent. Even with such offers for study entrance as bridging courses and tutoring programs within the project TU4U, mentoring programs during study period, consulting services of various university institutions and with the availability of teachers for consultations the students in Chemnitz are largely satisfied and lie with their opinion far above the national average. The survey also showed that every second student used the preparatory services of the university before their studies and assessed these as very useful. A high utility value was also certified for the study information sessions of the university on matters relating to studies in schools.
Prospective students, who want to convince themselves of the high study quality at TU Chemnitz, Fasbender recommends to use the many events offered at the university. An overview is given on the Internet at https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/schuelerportal. The next opportunity to get to know TU Chemnitz offers the Open Day on the 15th of January 2015.
(Author: Mario Steinebach, Translation: Nataliia Boiko)
Katharina Thehos
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende
- , Studentenwerk
- , Chemnitz