TU Chemnitz will host conference of the network AC21
The international network AC21 funds scientific workshop in material sciences at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in October 2015 by a total of 10.000 US dollar
TU Chemnitz was successful within the “Special Project Fund” of the international network “Academic Consortium 21 (AC21)”. -
The workshop will be implemented by the Professorship of Semiconductor Physics. The photo also shows the organizers Prof. Dr. Dietrich R.T. Zahn (3rd row, 7th f.l.), Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan (2nd row, 6th f.r.) and Dr. Jacek Gasiorowski (3rd row, 3rd f.r.) from TU Chemnitz jointly with Prof. Dr. Patchanita Thamyongkit from Chulalongkorn University Bangkok (2nd row, 6th f. l.). Photo: private
Once again, TU Chemnitz has provided an evidence of its good reputation as “university of third-party-funding”: already by its first proposal in the function of responsible coordinator, the university was successful within the “Special Project Fund” of the international network “Academic Consortium 21 (AC21)” and was able to acquire 10.000 US dollar in total as funding of a two-day workshop in material sciences which will be held jointly with other AC21-members at Chemnitz.
This AC21-workshop with the theme “Future perspectives on applications of porphyrin and phthalocyanine derivatives” will be organized and implemented in October 2015 by the Professorship of Semiconductor Physics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in cooperation with the International Office of TU Chemnitz. Within this workshop not only the scientific trans-disciplinary discussion with colleagues from other AC21 member universities (North Carolina State University, Chulalongkorn University, Université de Strasbourg) with regard to the newest results of research and opportunities of application on the field of material sciences shall be promoted but also young scientists will be involved by presenting their research results to the top-level public.
The objective of this workshop consists on exploring further opportunities for the deepening of the already vivid current collaboration between the participating AC21-member institutions especially concerning intensified networking between groups of scientists within joint research projects, the exchange of scientific results and material as well as the further enhancement of mutual exchange of young scientists and students. In conjunction with the intensive preparation and post-processing of this event, these objectives shall ensure the sustainability of the workshop and constitute a significant contribution to the continuous further development of the AC21-network. Thanks to this, also the jury responsible for the assessment of the proposals submitted within the “AC21 Special Project Fund”-program could be convinced to select the proposal of TU Chemnitz as one of in total two projects considered as eligible for funding.
The timing for the implementation of the workshop could hardly be better for TU Chemnitz because this event represents an optimal, promotionally effective kick-off for the immediate preparations for the upcoming AC21 International Forum 2016 for which numerous leading administrative and scientific personalities from AC21-member institutions and beyond will come to TU Chemnitz in order to discuss the newest developments in science, technology and international education. Thus, TU Chemnitz will be able to comply effectively its mission as active promoter of the further deepening of collaboration and the further enhancement of the international outreach of the AC21-network and therefore is looking very much forward to host these two AC21-events.
(Author: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)
Katharina Thehos