In Focus: Your Professional Future
For the Day of Industry and Science on the May 20th, 2015, the WIK-Chemnitz Career Fair offers contacts to companies for jobs, internships and thesis topics as well as an extensive supporting program
For establishing contacts at lightning speed, Speed Dating is the ideal opportunity. Photo: Andreas Seidel
Not enough applicants, applicants that don’t meet the requirements and vacant positions that are sometimes miscast – this is the reality in many companies. On the other side, in the academic region of Chemnitz, there are many students and graduates seeking work who are looking for contacts to employers for internships, work study positions, or to start their careers. Thus, the WIK-Chemnitz Career Fair is offering a forum for employers and academics for getting acquainted and establishing contact with one another, in the Lecture Hall Building of the Technische Universität Chemnitz on the May 20th, 2015. Starting at 10:00, company representatives from more than 80 firms (from within the region and without) will be available to meet with students and graduates. Open positions will be published on a large “Job Wall”.
The Career Fair will open its gates on the Day of Industry and Science, and invites participants for networking purposes, applying to positions, and gathering information. In order to make it possible for Chemnitz students to lead interviews and visit presentations and workshops outside of the peak hours in between classes, there will be no courses held from 11:00 to 13:00 on the day of the fair. During the afternoon, there will be two presentations held in English. At 11:45-12:00, “Continental: Let Your Ideas Shape the Future” and from 15:15-15:30, “Procter & Gamble: Are you ready for a new challenge every day – YOUR future in ENGINEERING”.
The chance for conversations at a five-minute-pace with executives and HR managers is available once again through the Speed Dating event from the Industrieverein Sachsen 1828 e.V. Aside from that, participants can get to know firms though company presentations or excursions. This year, companies such as ThyssenKrupp Presta Chemnitz, Tower Automotive in Zwickau and Sigma Chemnitz will open their doors.
The Career Service of the TU Chemnitz as well as the Agency for Work are supporting WIK-Chemnitz, and making it possible for application documents of applicants to be professionally checked. Those who are interested can get more information on the homepage, and therefore can plan their visit to the fair more effectively. The fair and the supporting program are principally aimed towards all students and graduates of universities in middle Germany, and everything is free of cost for all visitors to the fair. The event organizer (IPlaCon GmbH) estimates they will have about 2,000 visitors. The Saxon State Minister for Science and Art, Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, is the sponsor of WIK-Chemnitz.
The high point of the day is the evening’s celebration in the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, with the presentation of the Industrieverein scholarship prize as well as the Germany scholarships. Former Saxon State Premier Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt will hold a lecture about the growth and development of Saxony after the reunification of Germany.
Program for the Day of Industry and Science (only in German):
(Author: Mario Steinebach & Sarah Wilson, Translation: Sarah Wilson)
Mario Steinebach