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Students Benefit from International Network

The TU Chemnitz has arranged a student exchange program with Nanjing University of China – the contract signing occurred during the AC21 International Forum

The Technische Universität Chemnitz and the Chinese Nanjing University would like to cooperate even closer in the future regarding student exchange. Therefore, an arrangement was made and the contract was signed by Prof. Lyu Jian, President of Nanjing University, and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schubert, Acting Rector of the TU Chemnitz, as well as Eberhard Alles, Chancellor of the TU Chemnitz, on May 2, 2016 during the AC21 International Forum taking place now at the university in Chemnitz. Prof. Dr. Margret Wintermantel, President of the German Academic Exchange Service, was also present for the occasion.

The goal of the arrangement is to strengthen the internationality of education as well as promote and encourage the personal development and understanding of students. On the basis of the agreement, bachelor and master students will be able to study at each respective partner university for a fixed period of time. Both partners have agreed to accept up to five exchange students per semester – either for one semester or for a full academic year.

Until this point, the TU Chemnitz has already been in connection with Nanjing University through mutual membership in the “Academic Consortium for the 21st Century (AC21)”. The new arrangement was initially made for a five year period, with the intention for periodic renewal following the first term. On the TU’s side, the student exchange will be coordinated via the International Office.

Among the international students currently studying at the TU Chemnitz, China is the second-most represented country with 714 students from the People’s Republic. Meanwhile, the TU Chemnitz maintains various cooperative relationships with 13 universities in China at the university or faculty level. The TU is networked with six other additional Chinese universities via AC21.

Contact: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht, Phone +49 371 531-13500, email iuz@tu-chemnitz.de

More information about Nanjing University: http://www.nju.edu.cn/english

(Translation: Sarah Wilson)

Katharina Thehos

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