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New Task Force Shall Support and Accompany “Lighthouse Projects”

Optimal framework conditions for successful application will be developed in working groups – within the strategy for excellence “Chemnitz Cluster+” supports applications

As announced prior to his election as university president and as included in his first open letter to the university public the new president, Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, wants to introduce a new task force for future “lighthouse projects” in the course of the winter semester 2016/2017. “The main aim is to structurally support and accompany those lighthouse projects”, the president explains. That is why all professors were requested to inform the university management of scheduled clusters of excellence, collaborative research centers, research groups, postgraduate programs or other outstanding projects in the scientific landscape. “Optimal framework conditions for successful application will be developed in different work groups of the new task force, with the possible consultation of external experts and actors”, Strohmeier illustrates.

One initiated work group is the “Chemnitz Cluster” that will structurally support and accompany applications within the strategy of excellence. The president and the chancellor are involved as well as the leading scientists of the TU Chemnitz in their respective fields. Further members of this committee include the executive director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Prof. Dr. Dirk Landgrebe, the acting director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, Prof. Dr. Thomas Otto, Chemnitz’s mayor, Barbara Ludwig, the president of the Industrieverein Sachsen 1828 e.V., Prof. E. h. Dr. -Ing. E. h. Hans J. Naumann, as well as the former president of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Bullinger.

Strohmeier states: “In the course of the new strategy of excellence, the TU Chemnitz will make every effort to keep the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE with new concepts and ideas as a Federal Cluster of Excellence in Chemnitz”. Furthermore, arrangements are made to participate in a smaller cluster alliance in one of the TU Chemnitz’s core competencies “Humans and Technology”.

Further information about the new task force are available from Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier, e-mail rektor@tu-chemnitz.de.

(Translation: Alissa Hölzel)

Mario Steinebach

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