New Campus Plaza is coming
Construction work at Reichenhainer Straße enters the hot phase on March 6, 2017 – keep in mind the traffic restrictions
Visualisation of the new Campus Plaza at Reichenhainer Straße: View from Mensa to the Hörsaalgebäude N ("Orangerie") and Weinhold-Bau (work status: 2014). Graphic: TOPOTEK 1 Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH -
Visualisation of the new Campus Plaza at Reichenhainer Straße: View from the Hörsaalgebäude N ("Orangerie") to Weinhold-Bau. Graphic: TOPOTEK 1 Gesellschaft von Landschaftsarchitekten mbH -
The Map shows the construction work (red) on the Reichenhainer Straße. Graphic: Universitätskommunikation
It is going to be the mainstay of the Chemnitz University of Technology at Reichenhainer Straße: the new campus plaza between the auditorium building, Weinhold building, the canteen, and the dormitories in Thüringer Weg. The campus plaza will be greener, safer due to traffic calming, and invites to linger for a while due to its replanting and new lighting concept.
Seamless route from local to long-distance transport
The construction work on the Reichenhainer Straße are not only part of the masterplan for the location development of the university but also a part of the so-called “Chemnitz Model”. The vision of the aspiring and innovative project: a seamless route from local to long-distance transport. With the linking of tram and railway lines, the Chemnitz model offers an effective and cost-efficient – as it is a direct – route between the main center Chemnitz and the surrounding area. As the train cannot stop everywhere, bus stops close to the train stations offer short changeover paths to the local bus lines. “The model does not only strengthen Chemnitz and the surrounding areas but it also sets national standards for an ecologic and economic reasonable mobility”, Chemnitz head mayor Barbara Ludwig states.
The complete costs for the project are approximately 300 million euros. The soon to begin construction work at Reichenhainer Straße amounts to 3,5 million euros and accounts for over 10% of the complete budget. Involved in the financing of the project are the EU, the federal government and the Free State of Saxony. The Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (VMS) is in the leading role. For the concrete realization of the project the VMS cooperates with the City of Chemnitz, the Deutsche Bahn, the CVAG, and the designers and construction firms.
Region – Main Station – Campus
The ceremonial opening of the first step took place on October 10, 2016. Since then, the cities of Burgstädt, Mittweida and Hainichen have a direct traffic service via the main station Chemnitz to the central station in hourly intervals. Now, the Chemnitz University of Technology will be included into this fast-travel network. Trains coming from Burgstädt, Mittweida and Hainichen are then able to run up to the campus of the university. Another feature: As well as locally as on the railway lines a barrier-free passenger exchange will be made possible.
With this new step, we will increase the connectivity between our university and many cities throughout the region. Furthermore, we also increase the attractiveness of the Chemnitz University of Technology as well as to contribute to a higher quality of dwell time on our campus”, underlines Eberhard Alles, Chancelor of the Chemnitz University.
The new campus plaza: Bringing together that belongs together
The new plaza is going to be build between the auditorium building N, by the Chemnitz university members affectionately called “Orangery” due to its prominent facade, the Weinhold building and the canteen. A grid of approx. 62 plane trees will provide a green roof with shadowed areas. In addition, on the new campus plaza pedestrians take precedence. Cars and public transport can drive by with significantly reduced speed. The design follows the concept of “Shared Space” a collectively used space for different transport users. The momentarily by the Reichenhainer Straße divided areas grow together and provide a free, uniform space. Dark exposed concrete and seat covers made from wood are the new and uniform furnishing, completing the design and offering various spaces to linger and stay. Additionally, bicycle racks add to the equipment of the plaza. Shining steles guarantee a safe passage and linger spot also at night.
Upgrading works from March till December
In order to realize the expansion of the barrier-free fast-travel network as well as the upgrade on the campus plaza until December 2017, the construction works and therefore the traffic calming will start on March 6, 2017. Affected is the section of the Reichenhainer Sraße beginning from Dittesstraße to Wartburg Straße and will also interfere with the road, bicycle, and bus line traffic. The goods transport will be redirected over the Wartburg and Bernsdorfer Straße. Not affected is the ambulance service. An alternative parking spot will be set up at the level of the research hall of the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE at the beginning of March. Bicycle traffic will be rerouted over Fraunhofer and Rosenbergstraße. Access traffic of cars and bicycles will be redirected over the 6,50 m wide central strip on the Reichenhainer Straße starting on march 6, 2017. As it is still a construction site it is important to follow the specified routes. Construction barriers are for your own safety and are not to be passed.
Further changes also impair the line traffic of the CVAG from March till December: Affected are the bus lines 22, 51 and N14. Line 51 will already be redirected on February 27, 2017. In the area of the Reichenhainer Straße the lines 51 and N14 will be diverted in both directions over Wartburg and Bernsdorfer Straße. Compensating bus stops will be erected in the Dittess- and Wartburgstraße. In the area of the Südbahnhof, line 22 will stay in its usual route until the roundabout is finished.
Information regarding the current construction developments can be viewed on the Blog of the Department of Facility and Technical Management at the Chemnitz University of Technology: Furthermore, the Chemnitz University informs its members over posters in the auditorium building.
On current changes in the timetable or in bus line traffic informs the CVAG:
Further information on the Chemnitz Model:
Matthias Fejes
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