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Support for Researchers in Danger

Professors of the Chemnitz University of Technology are called on to participate in the Philipp Schwartz-Initiative

Discrimination, violence, and persecution prevent researchers on freely pursuing their research worldwide. The Foreign Office and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation award scholarships to researchers in danger for a stay at a German university through the Philipp Schwartz-Initiative. “The Chemnitz University of Technology wants to set an example for the freedom of science and economy and calls upon its professors to participate in the initiative, to affiliate the researchers at risk and to integrate them into research activities and university life”, says Prof. Maximilian Eibl, Vice President for International and Economic Affairs at the Chemnitz University.

Researchers of every discipline and country of origin with a doctorate or a comparable academic level are eligible. Further selection criteria are scientific qualifications such as publications and the potential for the integration on the German job market. The researcher’s verification of endangerment is either recognized with a residence legislation status (asylum procedure) or a certificate of the Scholars at Risk Network, the Scholar Rescue Fund or the Council for At-Risk Academics.

The support comprises of a full scholarship including ancillary services of a total of 3,500 euros per month for a period of two years. The President’s Office is responsible for the application of proposals of Chemnitz University researchers. In order to apply, interested researchers submit their ideas on the integration of the researcher in danger as well as the contact details of the respective researcher until March 31, 2017 to the Assistant for Academic and International Affairs, Annett Müller, phone +49 531 37922, email annett.mueller@verwaltung.tu-chemnitz.de.

The Philipp Schwartz-Initiative tender is available at https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/philipp-schwartz-initiative.html

Matthias Fejes

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