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Smart and Compact – Battery Diagnosis

The Professorship of Electrical Measurements and Sensor Technology presents its state of research at the trade fair “Embedded World” in Nuremberg

The Chair Electrical Measurements and Sensor Technology of the Chemnitz University of Technology presented itself at the trade fair “Embedded World” in Nuremberg from March 14 till 16, 2017. At this international trade fair for embedded systems, the professorship presents its solution on the diagnosis of batteries.

The fully integrated battery diagnosis system enables to characterize the current condition of batteries that are, for example, used in e-cars and for the storage of regenerative energies. The implemented diagnosis based on the impedance spectroscopy makes the direct determination of the current battery condition possible. By that, the amount of the deposited data and necessary signal processing is significantly reduced. In order to realize this cost-efficient integration of the impedance spectroscopy in the battery management, a holistic approach of the design as an embedded system was necessary. The required methods had to be significantly refined to be able to achieve on less efficient hardware a comparable quality as in the laboratory. Professor Olfa Kanoun, Chair of the Professorship of Electrical Measurements and Sensor Technology of the Chemnitz University, says:” My professorship specialized for years in this field.” The professorship focuses on intelligent measuring methods, measuring systems, and sensors for ten years now. "The developed methods are scalable for targeted applications of various complexity. This is an important achievement for the cell-individual supervision and valuation in the battery management system”, illustrates Thomas Günther, research associate in the Professorship of Electrical Measurements and Sensor Technology. Kanoun adds: “The cost-efficient design as a compact and integrated measuring system allows the method’s transfer from the laboratory to various application fields such as water quality sensors, inductive proximity sensors and oil sensors. We were able to repeatedly prove this transfer together with our partners from industry and research.”

The Chair will not only organize the 10th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy together with the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Chapter, but also offer an additional Advanced School on Impedance Spectroscopy. “Both shall simplify the entry for young researchers in specific individual topics of the impedance spectroscopy and simultaneously support the networking on an international level”, says Kanoun. Because strong and trained young researchers are the innovative solutions of tomorrow.

Further information are available from Prof. Olfa Kanoun, phone +49 371 531 36931, e-mail olfa.kanoun@etit.tu-chemnitz.de and Thomas Günther, phone +49 371 531 39933, e-mail thomas.guenther@etit.tu-chemnitz.de

Matthias Fejes

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