Successful premiere for the TUCsommernacht
More than 1.000 Guests experienced a wunderful evening at Chemnitz University - the next TUCsommernacht will take place on June 23, 2018
Green lights at the blue hour: the courtyard of the Böttcher building was transformed into a atmospheric fairground. Photo: Jacob Müller
„From my point of view, the TUCsommernacht was a major success“, says Chemnitz University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier shortly after midnight. In his first open letter to the university public he announced to replace the Spring Gala with an attractive university event. Primarily, he wanted to offer a colorful university event for the whole university public and guests, instead of a rigid event for a closed society. “It seems that with the TUCsommernacht we achieved this intention as it was well received by countless students, employees, professors and guests, which delights me”, Strohmeier sayed.
A highlight at midnight was the impressive and not quite harmless LED and fire show of the EventHouse Meißen. Later on, the dance floor assembled in front of the main stage and even after 2 a.m., guests still danced through the TUCsommernacht.
1,000 times thank you
At this point, the University President would like to thank everyone involved in the preparation, implementation and organization of the event: "My thanks go to everyone, who actively supported with new ideas and participation the TUCsommernacht at the weekend itself and prior during the preparations and actively contributed to the success of this new event format. I am amazed by the great commitment, from the Indian students in particular who contributed with their own program to a great atmosphere, as well as employees of the departments, the University Administration and especially the Building Department, the Press Office, the Chancellor’s Office, and of course from my office.” His thanks also extend to the numerous artists contributing to the outstanding vibe, as well as the extramural cooperation partners, sponsors, and providers, who looked out for the well-being of the guests.
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
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- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
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- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
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- , International
- , Freunde