A fresh breeze in old (and new) channels
The Social Media Team of Chemnitz University introduce itself
They post for Chemnitz University. From left to right: Matthias Fejes (fej), Almuth Kreutz (/alm), Stefanie Thalhammer (/thal) and Mario Steinebach (/mst). Picture: Jacob Müller -
Almuth Kreutz (/alm): Who posts and comments under the alias “alm”? Aaaaand it’s Almuth, our social media student assistant at #TUChemnitz. Almuth is just like her posts full of joy and creativity and lifts our posts to a whole new level ;-) In the semester break she likes to visit her home the Münster region or to travel across the world – and of course every now and then she will post photos on her Instagram page. (/fej) Picture: Jacob Müller -
Stefanie Thalhammer (/thal): When Steffi has an idea she wants to realize it immediately. Thus, our social media team member arrives ready for action in the office although as an original “Stuttgarter Mädle” she also likes to dream of the relaxing Cannstatter Wasen. “Thali” knows the latesttrends in the internet and keeps Chemnitz University up to date and on it’s toes. (/mst) Picture: Jacob Müller -
Matthias Fejes (/fej): Matthias Fejes revives the social media channels of the university since the beginning of the year. He is not only press officer and deputy press spokesman but also key person of the social media work at Chemnitz University. If he is not writing press releases or comprises contents to 140 characters under the alias “fej”, he likes to test the Chemnitz dining scene. (/alm) Picture: Jacob Müller -
Mario Steinebach (/mst): May I introduce: Mario Steinebach spokesman of #TUChemnitz also known as “mst” – a institution of the press office. He started as student and employee at the university already in 1983. He is unperturbed and has always a funny anecdote on his lips. His year-long experience provide him with a good Picture: Jacob Müller
Chemnitz University of Technology is present in social media for quite some time. There the university wants to communicate with fans, followers, and subscribers on the same level and get into a transparent dialogue.
Following Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, the official Instagram and Snapchat appearance of the university takes place in May, 2017.
“With the representation in social media we want to reach a broad audience with authentic contents”, says Matthias Fejes, employee in the press office of Chemnitz University, who coordinates the social media work. “Thus, students actively participate in the organization and presentation of the channels. They know best what they and their fellow students find interesting.” And the topic range is wide: From information on a research project over changes on the campus area to student financing. “Furthermore, we share entertaining posts that deal with Chemnitz University in a broader sense and concern the university and academic life”, adds Fejes.
While Facebook and Twitter primarily deal with current topics in research, campus life and development, “with Instagram and Snapchat we target students and prospective students with every day topics.” For this purpose, in regular intervals students “Takeover” the channels and provide an authentic insight into “their” student life.
So, if you wondered who is behind the alias /alm, /fej, /thal, and /mst in the social media channels of Chemnitz University: The team introduce itself in the photo gallery of this article with a wink in their eyes.
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
- , Mathematik
- , Maschinenbau
- , Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
- , Informatik
- , Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- , Philosophische Fakultät
- , Human- und Sozialwissenschaften
- , Universitätsrechenzentrum
- , Universitätsbibliothek
- , Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung und Bildungsforschung
- , Schüler
- , Studierende
- , International
- , Absolventen
- , Freunde
- , Chemnitz