Internationalization successfully put into practice
Chemnitz University participates in the HRK-Re-Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschulen“ – international consulting team sees development of university as very positive
Focusing on internationalization: consulting team of the HRK gives Chemnitz University a very positive evaluation. Photo: Jacob Müller
In the framework of the current Re-Audit “Internationalisierung der Hochschulen” of the HRK (German Rectors’ Conference) Chemnitz University is rated as excellent. A commissioned international consulting Re-Audit team of the HRK presented a thorough comment on the implementation plan of Chemnitz University. “The university promoted internationalization with regard to the recommendation report of the audit and increased the internal visibility of the subject significantly”, it says in the comment. The implementation plan is well-structured, comprehensible, and realistic. Furthermore, the plan is in tune with other current strategic documents of the university.
“We are glad about the positive evaluation. It demonstrates that internationalization is an important subject at Chemnitz University and is successfully put into practice”, says University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier. The procedure of the Re-Audit is supposed to last until March 2020. “In May 2017, the university presented an implementation plan which was discussed by the external Re-Audit team and the project group of Chemnitz University during a planning workshop to gather a comprehensive picture of the internationalization of our university on site”, explains Prof. Maximilian Eibl, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs. The implementation plan is revised based on the recommendations of the consulting team. “In this phase, we can also focus on current goals of the university – such as an increase of academic success of incoming students and the strengthening of our international alumni work”, says Eibl.
Keyword: HRK-Audit
In 2009, the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (German Rectors’ Conference) launched the audit program “Internationalisierung der Hochschulen”. It is designed to support universities in Germany in aligning their internationalization strategy with their institution’s needs as well as to anchor internationalization permanently within their institutions. An external Re-Audit team evaluates present internationalization strategies and activities of each individual university in a multi-stage process. Chemnitz University of Technology successfully participated in the audit for the first time in 2012.
Mario Steinebach
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