Study on criteria determining study decisions begins
The Professorship of Personality Psychology and Assessment of Chemnitz University of Technology examines the decision behavior and criteria of prospective students
A glance into the biggest lecture hall of Chemnitz University. Photo: Press Office Photo Archive/Dirk Hanus
The Professorship of Personality Psychology and Assessment is conducting a study on the question how and on the basis of which aspects students decide what and where to study at Chemnitz University of Technology in the winter term 2017/18. “Amongst other things, the question which factors are determining the decision whether to study at Chemnitz University or not is in the focus of the study”, says Prof. Gerd Strohmeier, President of Chemnitz University of Technology. Prior to the survey, a university call for proposals was conducted. “Among the several and highly qualified submitted concepts, the design of the survey under the leadership of Professor Anja Strobel convinced us the most”, says the University President. The President’s Office provides a part-time research assistance position for the implementation of the survey for six months.
Two online surveys in Saxony
In December 2017, two online surveys will be conducted with freshmen students and pupils in the final chapter of their school education in Saxony. Main focus is placed on the decision behavior, significant selection criteria, satisfaction with the choice of study and the university, as well as the information sources used. “We hope to gather deeper insight into the decision behavior and determining criteria for or against a course of study at our university from the in February 2018 presented results of the survey”, says Prof. Maximilian Eibl, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs. “Together with the faculties, we want to develop measures that lead to a better fit between prospective students and the respective course of study offer as well as a more effective way to approach potential students”, adds Eibl.
Spoilt for choice in the course of study
The step from school to further education is an important step and should be taken seriously. If you decide to study, you have to choose your subject and your place of study. Considering countless possibilities to study – the “Hochschulkompass” of the German Rector’s Conference alone lists 19,131 courses of study – it is no surprise that prospective students might have difficulties to decide. “Aside from the selection procedure of the university, the self-selection of potential students using individual selection criteria plays an important role”, says Prof. Anja Strobel. The better a decision is prepared for, the higher are the chances of individual long-term satisfaction and motivation to adhere to the choice and place of study.
Further information are available from Prof. Anja Strobel, Personality Psychology and Assessment, Tel. +49 371 531 39834, E-Mail
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
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