Why international students decide to study in Chemnitz
A video series of the International Office shows advantages of studying at Chemnitz University of Technology
Ten international students report on their impressions on studies and life in Chemnitz in two-minute videos. Photo: TU Chemnitz/IUZ
Making advantages but also challenges of a study at Chemnitz University of Technology comprehensible and perceptible for international students – that is the objective of the International Office project within the framework of the “Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm (STIBET II)” funded by the German Academic Exchange Service. The project started in November 2016 and was now successfully implemented by the launch of the website “Faces & Stories”[LINK: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/iuz/projekte/stibet2/faces_stories.php.en]. The website shows ten two-minute interviews with international students of various nationalities. The project was coordinated by Katharina Wohlgemuth of the International Office. Chemnitz University of Technology student Peter Kruse took on the technical realization of the website.
The videos can also be viewed in a separate playlist in the YouTube channel of Chemnitz University of Technology.
Faces say more than texts
“Faces and Stories say more than written texts. Thus, with this website we want international students to get a chance to speak and draw an authentic picture of studying at Chemnitz University of Technology in a target group-oriented format”, summarizes Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht, Head of the International Office at Chemnitz University of Technology and project leader.
The idea and the implementation of the project were conducted by students. Marta Kovinko and Diana Fetsch interviewed ten students of the university of various countries and continents, including India, China, Russia, Iran, Greece, and Spain. They asked them on their first impressions, experiences, advantages but also the challenges of studying at the university and living in the city.
The two responsible students laid special focus on an authentic picture. For this purpose, the locations for the interviews were always places that are preferably visited by students, for example the plaza in front of the canteen Reichenhainer Straße, a lecture hall, or the Schloßteich. Furthermore, the interviewed students could choose if they wanted to speak in German or English. Each video ends with a greeting in their mother tongue: “Welcome to Chemnitz University of Technology”.
The “Faces&Stories” project is part of the overall project “Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm (STIBET II)” of the International Office. In the framework of this project an additional intercultural online quiz and an online tool for study-oriented support for teachers and students was developed. The overall project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from funds of the Federal Foreign Office (AA).
For further information or feedback please contact Katharina Wohlgemuth, International Office, phone +49 371 531 39856, email katharina.wohlgemuth@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de (Translation: Alissa Hölzel)
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
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- , International