DAAD funding made easy
International Office of Chemnitz University offers a new range of information online – 36 DAAD programs are currently presented
The International Office of Chemnitz University points the way to the right DAAD funding program. Photo: IUZ
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is globally the biggest funding organization for exchange in science. The service offers diverse programs to create a living cooperation between German and foreign universities. Many professorships of Chemnitz University of Technology already successfully acquired funding of the DAAD programs and actively participate in the internationalization of Chemnitz University. In order to enhance the participation and to reach successful applications, the International Office (IUZ) comprehensively expanded its online information service on DAAD funding programs.
“We want to support the professors of our university in the acquisition of funds from DAAD programs for exchanges of students or junior scientists, or for cooperations in international project teams”, explains Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl, Vice President for Academic and International Affairs at Chemnitz University of Technology the redesign of the website. With Step-by-Step instructions on the application procedure or project implementation as well as a comprehensive subject index the International Office provides a simple entry into the work with DAAD programs for everyone even without prior knowledge.
Alongside the new range of information the current calls for tender of 36 DAAD programs are now online. Most calls for tender are released by the DAAD at three central dates: beginning of April, middle of June, and the beginning of October. At these times, a look on the website of the International Office is worthwhile. Of course, the International Office releases any other calls for tender that are published irregularly also online.
Applications can be submitted for most current calls for tender until the end of June. For this purpose, the International Office provides for the first time individual application consultation hours. “The International Office has long-term experience in the counselling of DAAD applications and supervision of projects already approved. Applicants can make use of this pool of experience and get feedback on their financing plans and project descriptions,” explains Annett Müller, who is responsible for the counselling of professorship DAAD applications, and adds: “Anyone interested can simply make an appointment online.”
Click here to make an appointment: http://bit.ly/2HthTWJ
Contact person: Annett Müller, phone +49 371 531 37922, email annett.mueller@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de
(Translation: Alissa Hölzel)
Matthias Fejes
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