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Going Abroad – Get Informed!

Information Fair on going abroad during studies on November 14,2018 held by the International Office and funding organisations

Studying abroad for a semester in Finland or doing an internship in Japan? Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme or by a PROMOS scholarship? Where can I go to abroad and what are the opportunities? The International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology along with other organisations will answer these questions at an Information Fair for stays abroad during studies. The fair will be held at the foyer of the Central Lecture Hall on Campus Reichenhainer Straße on November 14, 2018 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

“We will offer information on all possible aspects of stays abroad during studies at the Information Fair”, Oliver Sachs, Erasmus+ coordinator of the IUZ, gladly announces. Besides of the International Office there will for instance be the Leonardo Büro (Erasmus+ internships), the agency GOstralia (Studies abroad in Australia and New Zealand), the IAESTE-Program (internships worldwide) and the Student Union (BAföG student funding). Each year, many students of Chemnitz University of Technology make use of the opportunity to go abroad during their studies. “Additionally to our regular information sessions we offer our students the opportunity to inform themselves at the Information booths at the fair while being on their way at the campus” , Oliver Sachs highlights the idea behind the fair.

All information on stays abroad during studies: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/outgoing/index.php.en

For further information, please contact Oliver Sachs, Phone +49 371 531-37972, E-mail oliver.sachs@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de

Mario Steinebach

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