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More Than Third of a Million for Scholarships

93 students of Chemnitz University of Technology were awarded a Germany scholarship on November 8, 2018 – contacts to sponsors were further strengthened during the evening

93 students from all eight faculties and from the Center for Teacher Training of Chemnitz University of Technology were awarded for their outstanding performances within their studies as well as for their social engagement. They received a Germany Scholarship within a ceremony held at the Central Lecture Hall Building on November 8, 2018. 56 of those scholarships were newly awarded, 37 were continued funding. The scholarship holders will be supported by 300 Euro monthly during the upcoming two terms. This was made possible by 55 donors. All in all, the total sum of funding raised up to 334,000 Euro. To the donors belong companies, foundations, associations as well as individuals. In addition to the Germany Scholarships also the prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for excellent international students, nine prizes of the university as well as for the first time prizes for outstanding performances in teaching, research and transfer were awarded to members of Chemnitz University of Technology.

Each certificate was handed over personally by the President of Chemnitz University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier. During his welcome address he emphasized the fact Chemnitz University of Technology disposes of many extraordinarily high-performing staff members and students who deserve special support and motivation. “Work must pay”, the President said. Steve Sarfert, who studies within the Master degree program Economics at Chemnitz University of Technology since 2015 and who is funded for the third time by a Germany Scholarship, expressed his sincere gratitude to the university and to the donors on behalf of the students “for this extraordinary financial support”. He himself was provided with the freedom by the scholarship to participate in the team of the university at the United Nations Model Simulation at New York, to do successful regional and national networking and to have the time to engage within the municipal council and as Vice-Mayor in his home town.

The ceremony was framed musically by the Big Band of Chemnitz University of Technology and the University Choir.

Already be now, all scholarship holders are cordially invited to save the following date: On December 12, 2018, the next regulars’ table of Germany Scholarship holders will happen and will be hosted this time by SITEC Industrieanlagen GmbH at Chemnitz. This will provide another opportunity for strengthen the networks between donors and scholarship holders as well as to establish new contacts.

Background: Germany Scholarship at Chemnitz University of Technology

By the Germany Scholarship, students are funded whose work lead to the expectation of outstanding performances in studies and future career. To the criteria belong very good marks and study performances as well as the willingness to assume obligations or the ability to overcome obstacles within the own way of live and education. Thanks to the scholarship, the holders are able to focus more on their studies and their successful completion in due time as they are no longer forced to accompanying work for paying their costs of living. In 2011, Chemnitz University of Technology belonged to the first universities in Germany offering Germany Scholarships. At that time, it was just 30 scholarships, nowadays the amount of Germany Scholarships climbed up to 93 which were acquired by the Bureau of the President. An overview of the current donors as well as further information regarding the Germany Scholarship at Chemnitz University of Technology is provided by accessing the following link: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/verwaltung/deutschlandstipendium/index.php.en. Institutions and persons interested find there also information on how to become a donor.

Contact: Heidrun Fischer, Contact Point for the Germany Scholarship Program, phone: +49 371 531-31679, email: heidrun.fischer@verwaltung.tu-chemnitz.de as well as Marko Reuther, Fundraising Division within the Vice-Presidency for Transfer and Academic Qualification, phone: +49 371 531-31788, email: marko.reuther@verwaltung.tu-chemnitz.de.     

(Author: Mario Steinebach, Translation Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)

Mario Steinebach

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