New Food Counters, New Offerings
The new food counters in the Mensa at Reichenhainer Straße shows off its new garb after renovation – a front cooking area shows off gourmet flair
Innovation in the front cooking area: Here, food is prepared live in front of the guest. Photo: Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau
After a renovation period of about six months, the Mensa at the Reichenhainer Straße Campus of Chemnitz University of Technology is re-opened as of 01 April 2019. Compared to before the renovation, it is unrecognisable: now, completely new room and lighting designs set the stage for a wider variety of food and drink. The focus of the renovation was a more flexible and individual composition of the available dishes. Along with this comes a new pricing system. Payment will be made at the cashier as you exit towards the dining hall.
Fish, meat, vegetables fresh from the grill and from the wok – or pizza and pasta like you are in a pizzeria – the front cooking area was involved in a major renovation. Here, food is prepared live in front of the guest. First-class kitchen technology and high-quality products provide gourmet flair. In addition to a salad bar, the Mensa of Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau offers self-serve desserts or carefully-prepared dessert glasses, smoothies, cakes and pies. In addition, guests can expect a rich selection of beer and bottled drinks as well as coffee specialties.
Flexible choices, flexible prices
With a “campus teller”, it is possible to assemble a dish of four components yourself – like at a buffet. Each component has its own price. Anyone who has an appetite for just two components may take them and only pay for these. Even with the “wok”, “grill”, and “hot bar”, components can be combined individually. For example, a student could take a fish from the “grill”, a baked potato from the “campus teller”, and peas with parmesan from the “hot bar”.
The usual food categories 1, 3 and 4 will continue to exist at the usual prices. Right away at the entrance to the “hot bar” there are soups, stews, desserts, a pasta and side dish bar, and the “quick plate”. The “quick plate” is a dish with ready-made side dishes, and has not changed. By popular demand, however, the portion size of soups and stews was increased from 400mL to 500mL, without an increase in price.
Altogether, the price for a full plate ranges from 2,60€ to 3,30€ for students, and 4,50€ to 5,40€ for employees. There are notices posted at the counters that describe which quantity is considered a normal portion and which quantity encounters a surcharge. The guest can take an extra large portion if they pay a bit extra at the cashier - ,30€ for students, ,50€ for employees. Smaller portions will be possible in the near future.
(Author: Ulf Walther, Studentenwerk Chemnitz-Zwickau / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes
- Naturwissenschaften
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