Chemnitz Physicist is Going to the 69th Annual Nobel Laureate Meeting
A festival of scientific exchange: On 30 June 2019 young scientist Johannes Aprojanz will be in Lindau, networking with Nobel Prize winners from all over the world
Johannes Aprojanz’s Ph.D. thesis deals with the electrical properties of graphene nanostructures in which quantisised transport phenomena have been detected. Photo: Stephanie Aprojanz
Listening to presentations for a week, discussing current topics and making valuable new contacts – Chemnitz University of Technology doctoral candidate Johannes Aprojanz will travel to the Bodensee at the end of June to take part in the 69th annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, along with 39 Nobel Prize winners and 590 young scientists from 89 different countries. Between 30 June and 5 July 2019, everything will revolve around the topics of cosmology, laser physics and gravitational waves.
“I am so pleased to be heading to Lindau. It is a great honour to be able to attend the Nobel Laureate Meeting and learn from the wealth of experience offered by the world’s most renowned scientists. And of course, I am looking forward to meeting the other participants. Such an event is an example of how people from all over the world and with different cultural backgrounds get to know each other and foster a mutual respect,” says Aprojanz. The 28-year-old currently works with Prof. Dr. Christoph Tegenkamp at the Institute for Solid Surface Analysis at Chemnitz University of Technology. In this position, he works with the electrical properties of graphene nanostructures in which quantisised transport phenomena have been detected. This is why he is particularly looking forward to the meeting with the solid-state physicists Konstatin Novoselov and Klaus von Klitzing. “At a lunch with Klaus von Klitzung, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1985 for the discovery of the Quantisised Hall Effect, there will certainly be some opportunities for an exchange of ideas,” says the Chemnitz doctoral student. “I am currently in the final stages of my doctoral studies, and now I have to take steps to gain a foothold in the field. The experiences of the Nobel Prize winners will certainly help me here,” says Aprojanz.
Background: How does one get to attend the Nobel Laureate Meeting?
The 590 junior researchers are among the most promising scientific talents in the field of physics worldwide, and have been nominated and selected via their scientific academies, universities, foundations or international research institutions. Nearly 140 institutions participated in the nomination process for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, according to the Council for the Meetings. All students, doctoral candidates and post-docs are less than 35 years old.
For more information:
Background on the research work of Johannes Aprojanz and Prof. Dr. Christoph Tegenkamp, on the functionalisation of carbon-based nanostructures:
(Article: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes