Internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology strides ahead measurably
Chemnitz University of Technology advanced in many categories of the current ranking survey “Profile data of internationalization of German universities” of the German Rectors’ Conference/ DAAD
TU Chemnitz has had internationalization on their radar for many years. The university has 130 partner organizations on all continents around the world. Photo: IUZ/Sven Gleisberg
The internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology strides ahead measurably: This was at least the result of the assessment of the results of Chemnitz University of Technology achieved within the current ranking survey “Profile data of internationalization of German universities”. Those profile data are raised each year by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the participating German universities by using publicly accessible data and by “ranking” them according to university types in different categories. The respective universities are anonymized. Chemnitz University of Technology is taking part since the first round of raising data in the year 2011 and thus counts among the so to speak “founding members”.
In comparison with the other 14 universities of technology in Germany, Chemnitz University of Technology is competing particularly excellent in the categories “Share of international students” (rank 4), “Share of international students in final examinations in the Master’s sector” (rank 2), “Erasmus-Outgoing students for internship purposes” (rank 4) and “Erasmus mobility of teaching staff” (rank 3). Furthermore, Chemnitz University of Technology was able to ameliorate its positions in comparison to the last year in many categories, particularly regarding the “Share of international students within graduates” (from rank 13 to rank 7) and concerning “Funding of DAAD per student” (from rank 12 to rank 9).
“I am very pleased with the profile data-results of Chemnitz University of Technology: They prove that our university is not only continuously attractive for study seekers from abroad but also that measures taken in order to optimize the success of studies of that target group, which Chemnitz University of Technology had initiated within its participation in the Re-Audit ‘Internationalization of universities” of the HRK, had been effective. This regards especially the raise of the share of international students within graduates”, comments Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl, Vice-President for Academic and International Affairs, and continues: “These very positive results of Chemnitz University of Technology should at the same time also be considered as incentive for going on to implement jointly internationalization measures in progress and to approach planned measures in a consequent manner. I would like to make use of this opportunity to express my gratitude to all members and adherents of the university working for the internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology for their engagement. I am looking very much forward to continue the successful collaboration jointly with you!”
(Author: Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht)
Mario Steinebach