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University Library


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Information and events


Online crash course "Fit for the Lib"

On the 22th of October - 1 pm there will be an online crash course for all students called "Fit for the Lib" in german language and on 22th of October - 2 pm in english via the BigBlueButton conference system. The course gives an overview of literature search for beginners. In addition to a short search introduction in our catalog and a database, we will show you how to have journal articles sent to your home as PDF files via our document delivery service.

Information and registration form

Discover the library in a playful way

On the 25th of October 2024 from 1 pm to 2.30 pm TU students can take part at an interactive library introduction with small quizzes. The course gives an insight into the literature search for beginners, a short introduction to the user account and an overview of other important services.

Please register via the registration form.

OpenAlex: a free alternative to Scopus and Web of Science?

Scientific research tools such as Scopus, Web of Science or Dimensions have now become established. Many researchers have stored complex search queries in their favourite database. However, the cost of these platforms is a significant item in the budgets of libraries and research institutions. What if there was a bold, free alternative to these expensive tools?

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Do you know B!SON? – new tools make Open Science easy

In our case B!SON doesn’t stand for a wild animal, but for a recommendation service for quality-assured Open Access Journals.

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Existing service – newly discovered: Internal university document delivery

The document delivery service is been for many years a service of the library to all members of the TUC. The old name „Inhouse delivery service“ has changed to „Internal university document delivery service“

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