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University Library
Personal reference collection

Personal reference collection

From official announcement of Chemnitz University „Nr. 21/2011, §18“:

Professors of Chemnitz University can submit a request to the library director for a personal reference collections with max. 50 books. The borrower has to ensure that the collection is present at his office at all times.

After one year, the borrower has to send a written documentation about the presence of the loaned books. If his employment contract with the University ends, the borrower has to return the collection to the library.

Books, that are part of a personal reference collection can not be reserved by other users. To make those books available for students nevertheless, the owner hereby agrees that his name and contact details may be given to said library user.

The owner is obligated to grant other library users the right to access the books in his reference collection. He can be held liable for those books, since they are property of the University library.