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University Library


Logo der Universätsbibliothek Chemnitz


Information and events


Exam phase in the Library?!

From July 15th, it's that time again – the exam period begins and we would like to support you with our bookable group study rooms!

Four rooms on the ground floor at the end of the east wing are available and can be booked online using a form. In addition, we will be open longer for you again – from Sunday, July 14th, before the start of the exam period! Until August 10th the library will then always be open until midnight. We have already introduced our book lockers. You can rent them and leave your borrowed books in the library.

We wish you good luck for your exams!

Quiet zones in the library

Due to repeated requests from users, the reading room, the gallery above and the two wings on the 3rd floor will be designated as quiet zones from Monday, July 8, 2024. This means - quiet working, all devices silent, no phone calls and please no eating at your desk. The ground floor east wing is available for louder activities and eating. We ask for your compliance and understanding.

Opening hours during the examination period

During the examination period, the University Library will be open Monday through Sunday from 09:00 am - midnight from July 14 to August 10, 2024.

The information and lending desks are not staffed on these Sundays. On those days, users may work in the University Library as well as, via the self-issue devices and the return machine, borrow and return media. Users can not collect media ordered by interlibrary loan, pay charges or make their user data being changed.

For those concerns, please continue to make use of our service hours from Monday to Friday 09:00 am – 07:00 pm and on Saturdays 09:00 am – high noon.

OpenAlex: a free alternative to Scopus and Web of Science?

Scientific research tools such as Scopus, Web of Science or Dimensions have now become established. Many researchers have stored complex search queries in their favourite database. However, the cost of these platforms is a significant item in the budgets of libraries and research institutions. What if there was a bold, free alternative to these expensive tools?

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Do you know B!SON? – new tools make Open Science easy

In our case B!SON doesn’t stand for a wild animal, but for a recommendation service for quality-assured Open Access Journals.

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Existing service – newly discovered: Internal university document delivery

The document delivery service is been for many years a service of the library to all members of the TUC. The old name „Inhouse delivery service“ has changed to „Internal university document delivery service“

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