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Study Cabins (Carrels)


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Study Cabins (Carrels)

Working cabins for adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology

The 16 single and 3 double working cabins at the 4th level are free of barriers and particularly appropriate for silent working and learning.
All cabins are equipped with a working desk and a reading lamp as well as power connection (2 sockets) and integrated book shelves.
For the usage, prior reservation is required.

A reservation can be made up to 31 days per person by using a respective form sheet.
It may be made up to 35 days in advance and is not transferable to other persons.
By the reservation, the usage regulations of the University Library (PDF) are obligatorily accepted..

Subsequent to successful reservation, an entitlement for access will be activated via the TUCcard.
Then, the cabin may exclusively being opened via the DACS-scanner next to the door (the green lamp lights up).
In case of emerging challenges with the closing mechanism, please address to the information desk at the 1st level resp. to the guard beyond the service hours.
Unauthorized activities are not permitted.

In the case that the period reserved is not taken, an information via email: or phone (+49 371 531-13180) is required.

The study cabins may be used actively within the opening hours of the University Library only.
rivate items and borrowed books from the collections may be stored in the cabins (no items of value, devices with batteries and no food).
The University Library is liable in the case of willful conduct or severe negligence. Please refer to § 12 of the Usage Regulations of Chemnitz University Library (PDF) for detailed information.

The users are committed to use the study cabins in appropriate ways only. This includes:

  • that they are used by the determined number of persons only,
  • that food and beverages (except of water) are consumed exclusively at the areas signed in the east wing of the ground floor,
  • that no electronic devices apart from laptop, tablet or mobile phone are used,
  • that no changes are made in the study cabins.

Infringements may lead to exclusion from the usage up to claims for indemnification of the University Library.

Media not borrowed, media for on-site-usage only as well as journals used in the study cabins have to be returned at the same day.

Exclusively silent usage is permitted. Telephone calls, video conferences etc. are not allowed due to the thin walls at the entire area.

After expiration of the reservation period, the study cabins have to be cleared completely and to be left in proper condition.
Left items are stored at the guard at the ground floor for 14 days and are registered in the lost & found list.