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Systematic Literature Review

Economics and Business Administration

How can I screen the results of my search?

Icon Viereck mit Haken Check the saved records for duplicates. Use the functionalities of your reference management software to do this.
Icon Viereck mit Haken Then select the publications that match your predefined criteria. Firstly, scan title and abstracts, to remove publications that have nothing to do with your research question. You can also use special software such as Rayyan (registration required), Abstrackr (registration required) or ASReview. You can find an overview of tools on the pages of the University of Zurich library.
Icon Viereck mit Haken With the help of your library, obtain the full texts (e.g.. via die interlibrary loan or the document delivery service) of the remaining publications and go through them. Remove any irrelevant publications.
Icon Viereck mit Haken For advanced reviewers: Assess the risk of bias of the selected studies. Use a risk of bias tool (such as the Cochrane RoB Tool) to assess the potential biases of studies in terms of study design and other factors.