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University Library

Saxon-Czech University Initiative

As a part of the foundation of the Saxon-Czech University Initiative, the Saxon-Czech Special Library (Sächsisch-Tschechische Fachbibliothek STFB) was created at Chemnitz University of Technology in 2003.

The purpose of this special library is to promote the cross-border scientific collaboration between the Czech Republic and Saxony.

The collection of the Saxon-Czech Special Library is accessible via the library catalog of the Chemnitz University of Technology.
TIPP: If you choose "Regalstandort" in the field "Index" and type in STHZ in the field "Suchbegriff(e)" (or if you combine your search term(s) with this formal search under "Erweiterte Suche"), you will receive all items which have been purchased for the Saxon-Czech Special Library.
