Excellent Marks for the University in Chemnitz
CHE Ranking: the TU Chemnitz is the right choice for anyone seeking a quick and well-supported study program at a university which excels in research
The current CHE Ranking holds a mirror up to the university. Photo: Press office photo archive/Hendrik Schmidt
More than 400 universities and technical colleges in German-speaking regions were compared in the most recent University Ranking published by the Centre for Higher Education (CHE). Alongside facts concerning academic studies, teaching and equipment, the ranking also features students’ opinions about study conditions at their higher education institution. The results were made public on May 3, 2016 in the ZEIT Study Guide 2016/17. Each year, one third of the entire range of subjects is reassessed. This year, the following subjects were assessed that are also represented at the Technische Universität Chemnitz: Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Chemistry, English and American Studies, German Studies and Psychology.
According to the CHE’s survey, among the study programs offered in Chemnitz, graduation in an appropriate amount of time is very possible in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemistry and German Studies. It has also been certified that the Psychology program supports students very well. Technical fields such as Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology scored points based on the large amount of funding raised for research, which ultimately affects the study programs’ proximity to research. The newest findings are quickly integrated into courses and the education that students receive.
Additionally, Chemnitz has been once again confirmed as one of the most affordable university locations in Germany. The average monthly rent that a student in Chemnitz pays (including utilities) on the private housing market amounts to 7.40 euro/square meter. Rental rates in the student dormitories can range from 159.50 to 259.90 euros, depending on the size of the room. Moreover, the supply rate for student housing in Chemnitz is about ten percent above the national average. The Chemnitz-Zwickau Student Union offers 2,028 places in the student dormitories on the TU campus.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schubert, Acting Rector of the TU Chemnitz, is sensible of the fact that “the results of such rankings often represent just a snapshot of one moment in time and are also heavily dependent on responses to the survey.” Therefore, he recommends that anyone interested in a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the full spectrum of all 96 study programs at the TU pay a visit to the university. “The next Open Day on May 28 is a great opportunity for this,” according to Schubert. Additionally, the university homepage at www.tu-chemnitz.de/en provides all of the important information about studying at the TU and various available advisory services.
Advisory services at the TU Chemnitz (only in German): https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/studentenservice/zsb/beratungsangebote/beratung.php
(Author: Mario Steinebach, Translation: Sarah Wilson)
Mario Steinebach