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URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“
Dates from the event calendar

Dates from the event calendar

Extension module for displaying events from the event calendar

  • Thursday, 18.07.2024 Sachsen und Olympia. Aspekte von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart einer mehr als sportlichen Beziehung (Seminar/Colloquium)

    • Philosophische Fakultät, Professur für Geschichte der Antike und der Antikerezeption in der Moderne
    • Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus Language: Deutsch
    • Info:
    • Im Kolloquium werden Aspekte des "sächsischen Beitrags" zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Olympischen Spiele vorgestellt.
    • iCal file
  • Thursday, 08.08.2024 Building your career strategy – a guide for your next career steps in academia or beyond (Workshop)

  • Wednesday, 14.08.2024 HDS Workshop. Creatively promoting collaborative learning - a self-experience workshop (Workshop)

    • Hochschuldidaktik Sachsen
    • Time: 09:00 to 16:30 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus Ausstellungsraum Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Juliana Rada M.A. (Erwachsenenpädagogin und Kunsttherapeutin)
    • Info: Hochschuldidaktik Sachsen: https://mytuc.org/xlsg
    • In this two-day workshop, you will expand your didactic skills for promoting collaborative learning by testing and reflecting on creative methods in a protected group and preparing them for transfer into your teaching.
    • iCal file
  • Monday, 19.08.2024 Transformationsvertrag, Publish & Read – Was ist das und was bedeutet es für die Wissenschaftler:innen an der TUC (Workshop)

  • Thursday, 22.08.2024 Wissenschaft kommunizieren (Workshop)

Integration of the module

In the TUCAL editor, this information is entered in the „Seiteneinstellungen (PHP)“ (page settings) text field:

page settings in the editor

Basic structure

echo termine(array $search, integer $quantity, array $style);

Possible parameters

  • $search | PHP array
    • array('field' => 'value'[, ...])
    • Possible entries for 'field' (selection):
      • 'titel' = event title
      • 'fakultaet' = faculty or central institution
      • 'label' = given label
      • 'uniteil' = university site
    • 'value' = String to be searched for, placeholder = %
  • $quantity | PHP integer
    • maximum displayed events (default: 10)
  • $style | PHP array
    • Array of values that affect the style of the events
    • Possible entries:
      'stil' (1 = table, 2 = list, 4 = like TUC calendar),
      'link' ('popup' = details as pop-up, otherwise new page)


echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 1));
18.07.2024 11:00 BBB-Raum Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“
Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution. Mehr ...
04.09.2024 13:00 Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau Scientific Docuemnts with Word
A. Schreiber
In the course, participants will learn how to use Word specific functions to create a customised document template for adaptation and reuse in their own work. Mehr ...
echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 2));
echo termine(array('fakultaet' => '%rechenzentrum%'), 2, array('stil' => 4));
18.07.2024 11:00, BBB-Raum
Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“
Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution.
04.09.2024 13:00, Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau
Scientific Docuemnts with Word
A. Schreiber
In the course, participants will learn how to use Word specific functions to create a customised document template for adaptation and reuse in their own work.
  • Thursday, 18.07.2024 Consultation Hour „Web and accessible Documents“ (Online event)

    • Universitätsrechenzentrum
    • Time: 11:00 to 12:00 Location: BBB-Raum Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Sandra Kahl, Dr. Uwe Dombeck
    • Info: ohne Voranmeldung: https://mytuc.org/webf
    • Do you have questions about the design of your web presence or would you like to integrate a specific function? Do you need advice on checking documents for accessibility? Together with you we look at your scenario and find a suitable solution.
    • iCal file
  • Wednesday, 04.09.2024 Scientific Docuemnts with Word

    • Universitätsrechenzentrum
    • Time: 13:00 to 16:15 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: A. Schreiber
    • Info: Anmeldung über OPAL: https://mytuc.org/mtws
    • In the course, participants will learn how to use Word specific functions to create a customised document template for adaptation and reuse in their own work.
    • iCal file
echo termine(array('uniteil' => '%Nationen%'), 4, array('stil' => 1'link' => 'popup'));
18.07.2024 Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus Mehr ...
Im Kolloquium werden Aspekte des "sächsischen Beitrags" zur Geschichte und Gegenwart der Olympischen Spiele vorgestellt.
08.08.2024 09:00 Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau, A10.202 Building your career strategy – a guide for your next career steps in academia or beyond
Dr. Anne Schreiter
In this workshop we will explore elements of a career strategy with sharing tools to help identify your values, transferable skills and strengths. You will learn how to use storytelling and leverage networking to gain visibility in all career paths. Mehr ...
14.08.2024 09:00 Str. der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus, Ausstellungsraum HDS Workshop. Creatively promoting collaborative learning - a self-experience workshop
Juliana Rada M.A. (Erwachsenenpädagogin und Kunsttherapeutin)
In this two-day workshop, you will expand your didactic skills for promoting collaborative learning by testing and reflecting on creative methods in a protected group and preparing them for transfer into your teaching. Mehr ...
19.08.2024 13:00 Str. der Nationen 33, Universitätsbibliothek, A01.311 Transformationsvertrag, Publish & Read – Was ist das und was bedeutet es für die Wissenschaftler:innen an der TUC
Sabine Kuniß
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung stellt die Universitätsbibliothek Vereinbarungen, Rahmenbedingungen und Besonderheiten rund um Transformations- sowie Publish & Read-Verträge vor. Mehr ...